Recent content by Puranin

  1. Puranin

    Hatchling head injury

    I don't think it needs a stitch seems like she was scalped in one spot. I don't think any others are going to hatch. Its this mamas 1st round. She stepped on two. Pretty sure one died halfway in incubation, one hatched so far, and am unsure as to the remaining 2. I hear no peeps and see no pips...
  2. Puranin

    Hatchling head injury

    She Is fully hatshed. See picture. My concern is that siblings hatching and jostling around may reopen the wound on her head. Its pretty deep
  3. Puranin

    Hatchling head injury

    Not sure how or what happened. This little one hatched earlier today. I checked on mama and saw this ones head was bleeding. I brought it in and put it in a brooder. I don't really want to take it from mama but was worried about the baby getting hurt. She is alert and running around and the...
  4. Puranin

    What kind of chick is this?

    Bought an assortment of egg layer pullets (3 white and 3 brown eggers) and I've get this adorable little girl. She is a brown egg layer but I've no idea what breed. She is smaller than the Austra white and orpington chicks. I want given a list of possible breeds so was hoping someone had seen...
  5. Puranin

    Pullets? Or roos? Dominique

    No wasnt me. they may be mixes but I have no idea with what. Doesn't really matter though I just wanted the pretty pattern added to my flock. Not really worried about purity.
  6. Puranin

    Pullets? Or roos? Dominique

    Just from a local backyard farmer who had her hen go broody. She has raised several broods from her flock of Dominique's. But they weren't registered or anything.
  7. Puranin

    Pullets? Or roos? Dominique

    That's what I thought. I also thought that Dominique's had rose combs but completely new to the breed.
  8. Puranin

    Pullets? Or roos? Dominique

    Got these sweet "girls" today supposed to be two dominique/dominicker pullets about 2 months old. Both have Grey down legs but the one has a bigger comb and waddles.
  9. Puranin

    duck attacked by dog wont use one leg

    She has no cuts or scrapes just missing some feathers and I'm pretty sure she injured her toe but she seems to use it ok just her nail wont straighten and was grindy at the joint. more concerning is that she wont put her leg up under her. She leaves it straight out behind. she swims and uses...
  10. Puranin

    Molting? Or Something Else?

    I I would think that's all it is. When my Brahma molts it looks like a pillow has exploded in the coop.
  11. Puranin

    9 week old EE-pullet or cockerel?

    I know the feeling we were hoping eddy was female two roos to 6 hens isn't gonna work. We decided to get more hens hen. I could let little eddy go he is the first i ever incubated and hatched.
  12. Puranin

    9 week old EE-pullet or cockerel?

    Cockerel. My Eddy started crowing at 7 weeks and is 3months born Jan 25th.
  13. Puranin

    Weird Start up eggs should be worried

    I just meant the stress of the whether changes being so quick could have caused it. Maybe? I don't know I just hope she is ok.
  14. Puranin

    Weird Start up eggs should be worried

    Yes a hybrid egg layer and I think it was our extended winter that kept her from starting earlier. We had a warm spell then back below freezing then warm then cold until april. I was concerned that maybe she did have malformed repro tract.
  15. Puranin

    Weird Start up eggs should be worried

    Dolly is a Dixie hen who just started laying at about 8 mo old (we had a rough beginning of the year no one has been laying well for a couple months). I've got 3 fairy eggs from her the first two just had egg white in them and they have been aabout 4 days apart this one was only 2 days since...
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