Recent content by Quailerino

  1. Quailerino

    Comment by 'Quailerino' in article 'Quail worship :)'

    Thanks! :D I have a 6'X10'X6' metal house-shaped frame, with a side-hinged door, that I covered in chicken wire, and reinforced with hardware cloth around the bottom. The bottom is right on the ground, and I'm using some amalgamation of the deep litter/deep bedding methods (in other words, I...
  2. Quailerino

    Quail cuddle puddles

    I know this does not count as a quail cuddle puddle but holy shit look at this shirt I found! 🤯🤯🤯
  3. Quailerino

    Quail cuddle puddles

    Oh, good. No, I def want to keep them once they stop berserking.
  4. Quailerino

    Quail cuddle puddles

    Wait why do I want to replace them when they finally learn some manners? Does something bad happen then?
  5. Quailerino

    Quail cuddle puddles

    Mine love eating the pincher bugs that wander into their enclosure. There's also a lot of roly-poly bugs that wander in, but they never seem to eat those. They must not taste very good, I guess?
  6. Quailerino

    Quail cuddle puddles

    Good idea, Nabiki. I've put Brillig in with the two youngsters, Comet & Treacle, in their see-but-don't-touch pen inside the quail house, and the three of them seem to be getting on just fine! I wonder if there's such a thing as a supplement or ointment to help her feathers grow back faster...
  7. Quailerino

    Quail cuddle puddles

    They are settling in nicely! ...and they are just beautiful. My favorite is the SSC hen that looks like Helen Mirren (you know, if Helen Mirren were a quail, of course) The two little ones are going to stay in their own enclosure for now, where they and the rest of the flock can see each other...
  8. Quailerino

    Quail cuddle puddles

    This quail/pompom cuddle puddle is so cute that it hurts.
  9. Quailerino

    Quail upward mobility!

    Oh, thanks for the heads-up on the mites. That would not have occurred to me, but mites are def something I'd prefer to avoid.
  10. Quailerino

    Quail upward mobility!

    Wow!! Thank you so much for the info and the detail! A tree-bark ramp would look sweet in my enclosure! I can't wait to go foraging in the woods :) Off topic, but you have some lovely little blondie quail with brown/cinnamon details around their necks/heads. Does that plumage pattern have a...
  11. Quailerino

    Comment by 'Quailerino' in media 'Aurelius'

    This quail has an impressive level of stately charisma. :)
  12. Quailerino

    Quail upward mobility!

    Hi There! I know that coturnix quail are known to not to like using ramps, but I read on here somewhere (can't find it again/remember where I read it on here) that quail will sometimes be amenable to using steps/stairs. I'm trying some experimental quail stairs in my enclosure, to see if I can...
  13. Quail worship :)

    Quail worship :)

  14. Quailerino

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    This has got to be my favorite thread. Just in terms of sheer quantity of adorable newborn quail chick other thread even comes close. ❤ :clap❤
  15. Quailerino

    Quail feed

    So, turns out the "dandelions" in my yard are their spiky, weaponized lookalikes. I decided to use nasturtiums instead. :bun
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