Recent content by Quailobsessed

  1. Quailobsessed

    Chicken With Swollen Eye- Ideas, please? -Gross, but not necessary Graphic Photo Warning

    I had a quail who had a swollen eye similar to this. It was a couple of years ago so it's hard to remember the details. I don't remember how long she lived with it. I ended up getting her to a vet and they determined it to be a tumour of some kind. I gave her eyedrops and antibiotics for the...
  2. Quailobsessed

    Old hen with vision loss and cloudy eye

    I haven't been on this site for a while but I have been wanting to hear some advice about my chicken with an eye issue. This is Gertrude, my 12 year old hen. Despite her age she is quite agile and healthy. However she has some vision loss, particularly in her left eye, which looks cloudy. She...
  3. Quailobsessed

    Immobile Quail Chick

    Yeah, though it was after her legs had slightly straightened. If I recall I think so, though I kept an eye on her often to make sure she wouldn't overheat as she couldn't move away from the heat source.
  4. Quailobsessed

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Yeah reptiles are expensive here too. I don't often see snakes in the wild though when I do it's usually a deadly brown snake :oops:
  5. Quailobsessed

    Immobile Quail Chick

    The leg was crossed over the other. Sorry, the images aren't great as I had a bad camera at the time.
  6. Quailobsessed

    Immobile Quail Chick

    If I recall I wrapped the towel around her almost like a burrito, so the first description you gave was pretty accurate. I did give her a heat lamp particularly when I wasn't holding her as she was quite young and small.
  7. Quailobsessed

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    They are lovely snakes, though they are not Australian natives so they're illegal to own here unfortunately (in Australia you can only own native reptiles and need a license to keep them). I do have a snake now though. He/she is a baby centralian carpet python (also called a bredli). His/her...
  8. Quailobsessed

    Immobile Quail Chick

    Hi, welcome to BYC! I can't remember exactly what I did, though if I recall, I tried a few things to keep her legs in place. I tried a coupe of time to make a brace though I didn't have much luck with it. The most effective thing for her was to hold her in my hands (I was at home pretty much...
  9. Quailobsessed

    Adult budgie sick?

    How's the budgie doing now?
  10. Quailobsessed

    Toeless quail

    She will probably adapt to living that way. Keep an eye to make sure she's not getting bullied and is able to access food and water.
  11. Quailobsessed

    Can i move a brooding quail and her eggs?

    They'll generally stop brooding if you interfere with their nests, but I've had some really determined females that haven't.
  12. Quailobsessed

    Help with Button quail colors?

    Sorry for the late reply, but I would say A and E are golden pearl, B, D and G are blue faced, F is red breasted and the rest are silver.
  13. Quailobsessed

    No, they're definitely not common here! 😄

    No, they're definitely not common here! 😄
  14. Quailobsessed

    I love your profile pic! What an adorable quail :love

    I love your profile pic! What an adorable quail :love
  15. Quailobsessed

    Thanks :) Yes, I have two golden pheasants, that male and a female.

    Thanks :) Yes, I have two golden pheasants, that male and a female.
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