Recent content by RaeLynne

  1. RaeLynne


    Thank you I am too. Had a scare w/my babies last nite but they’re all perky and looking good today-thanks to God & a lot of members who rapidly taught me what to do
  2. RaeLynne

    Review by '' on item 'Plastic 1 Quart Jar Feeder'

    I have 2 of these for my babies. Love them. W/11 hungry mouths, I fill them each once a day, but since they’re so light & easy to grab, it’s a pleasure. I like that the base will come apart for good cleaning. Just had a sick baby & needed to disinfect feeder-design made it a piece of cake.
  3. RaeLynne


    Thank you so much for profile suggestion. I’m terrible at finishing that stuff :))
  4. RaeLynne


    1-babies are a cpl weeks old 2-is them in their new run 3-a few days old. I was so worried
  5. RaeLynne


    Hi Cynthia & those I’m sure I’ll soon become acquainted with. I’m RaeLynne. This is my first year to ever do anything w/chickens & now I’m mama to 12 6 Americaunas & 6 Buff Orpingtons❤️ So far they’re doing wellTy Jesus & Cynthia. I just had to enlarge their run-they grow so fast I’ll post pics...
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