Recent content by Reba Kay

  1. Reba Kay

    Layed Evening Egg

    As it gets colder mine are laying late morning to mid afternoon.
  2. Reba Kay

    1 year old STILL not egg laying

    Happy to report that my 9-month old Maran laid her first egg --at last! -- on the shortest day of the year, 12/21, Winter Solstice.
  3. Reba Kay

    1 year old STILL not egg laying

    I have one Brahma that lays every day, and a black copper Maran that dropped one beautiful dark brown egg six months ago when she first joined the Brahma but none since. I feel mixed about her. The Brahma lets me pick her up and hold her; the Maran says, No way! and skitters out of reach. That...
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