Recent content by reddirtbirds

  1. reddirtbirds

    Backyard (town) chicken first timer

    Alright everyone. I had chickens for five years but for the last year I’ve been out of the game. I moved to a city area and had to rehome all of my breeding project babies:(. I still have my coop though and in the next few months I’m hoping to fill it up again! I’m going for strictly bantams...
  2. reddirtbirds

    Sizzle/satin cross breeding

    Adding to this thread now that the rooster has been quarantined and added to my flock:) I found out from the breeder that he’s 3/4 silkie 1/4 Serama. While he’s a small guy he’s pretty huge for that mix. Would the 3/4 silkie feathering genetics affect the feather type of the chicks he fathers...
  3. reddirtbirds

    Goat barn to coop conversion:)

    Im thinking I’ll probably have to put wire or something all the way to the ceiling to keep them from perching on them if I wind up having smooths in this pen lol !!
  4. reddirtbirds

    Keeping roosters with broodies/baby chicks

    I wouldn’t have thought of that! Thank you!
  5. reddirtbirds

    Keeping roosters with broodies/baby chicks

    I’ve had chickens for about six years now and let my hens hatch their own eggs every spring/summer. bUt I’ve never let my hens hatch/roam with my roosters while they have chicks younger than a month or so by their hip. I have a broody momma in her own pen right now and a rooster im needing to...
  6. reddirtbirds

    My flock plans !

    *frizzles Screw autocorrect:/
  7. reddirtbirds

    My flock plans !

    I need to start a new thread as a follow along for my flock lol! My rooster apparently has blue hiding somewhere under that white! I hatched a chick last night who's blue with little white spots here and there:) I’ll post a photo when I’m off work! Really hoping this one frizzled out :fl
  8. reddirtbirds

    Goat barn to coop conversion:)

    I still need to add a ladder lol ! I’m going to add a dust bathing area as well (one that’s not filled with gravel like the rest of the run). I’ve used the larger holed panels on all my coop builds and haven’t ever had trouble with predators (five years strong !knock on wood!). I think raccoons...
  9. reddirtbirds

    Goat barn to coop conversion:)

    Thought I’d take a second to show off my newest coop build! This was my old goat barn and since my goats all passed away of old age it was empty. Everything here is recycled so it cost me practically nothing! This obviously won’t be and all-season coop but I’ll use it in the spring and summer...
  10. reddirtbirds

    Sizzle/satin cross breeding

    Ok! I have the opportunity of adding a sizzle roo to my flock (either barnevelder/sizzle or silkie/polish) and I’m wondering what the results would be from crossing that rooster with my smooth orpingtons, OE, and barnevelder might be. Anyone have photos of similar crosses?
  11. reddirtbirds

    My flock plans !

    I had almost given up hope on any more hatching but this morning (day 23 of incubation) these babies pipped and are already unzipped most of the way!
  12. reddirtbirds

    My flock plans !

    Those are beautiful!
  13. reddirtbirds

    My flock plans !

    The first chick of the year hatched out a few hours ago! 26 more set in my incubator and eight under a broody Marans to hatch any day now! Can’t wait to see these babies feather out :ya I also threw a few EE/polish & EE/barnevlder eggs in the bator as well :}
  14. reddirtbirds

    My flock plans !

    Alright here’s a little look at the majority of my flock! My hope is to use the white EE rooster I currently have to get a fun looking frizzle roo from my frizzled Orpington and Orpington Marans cross hens. I’ll then put whatever offspring I’m happy with over the smooth lavenders and my cuckoo...
  15. reddirtbirds

    Chickens and pigs

    Alright I’m wanting to up my pen/coop game in the spring. I plan on planting a TON more plants in my run. Honeysuckle, more herbs, and hopefully more ornamental grasses. ANYWAYS with all those plants I’m thinking I’ll have to add little areas in the run that are just dirt. And then I got to...
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