Recent content by RennaeHanson

  1. RennaeHanson

    Are blue & green eggs Kosher?

    Apparently there are strict guide lines on what is a Kosher egg and what isn't...I was curious so I looked this up...
  2. RennaeHanson

    Neighbor threatening to trap birds

    I would put up a fence with a gate, even if it's only 4' tall that would be a barrier against your neighbor entering your property and would deter your chickens from leaving your property. You could also put up a much taller fence back by the barn or whatever line you choose to use. This would...
  3. RennaeHanson

    Featherless backs...

    Some of my chickens have lost some of their feathers from their backs...this doesn't seem to be a seasonal thing and not always the same chickens have this happen. Why is this happening and can I do anything to stop it?
  4. RennaeHanson

    Heritage White Dorking Thread

    I'm looking for White Dorking Chickens too, does anyone have a good source for them?
  5. RennaeHanson

    How does Organic feed vs non-organic feed for chickens affect the Egg quality?

    The quality of your organic feed plays a big part in the health of your chickens, as mentioned by GarfieldGeorgia, their organic feed was of poor quality and they lost chicks. The organic feed I get comes directly from the farmers that grow and mill the feed themselves, it includes the required...
  6. RennaeHanson

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Where did you get the storm glass?
  7. RennaeHanson

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I love to bake, this is my favorite bread's from a retired English Professional Chef and it's the best bread you ever ate!
  8. RennaeHanson

    Grey Slate Tom Turkey Antics

    Hmm...human-imprinted, I will have to research that. Thank you for your help.
  9. RennaeHanson

    Grey Slate Tom Turkey Antics

    Thank you Sourland, I had a turkey hen but she died one day and I haven't found any others to replace her with yet. I will separate him from my chickens immediately. I will not allow children near him again.
  10. RennaeHanson

    Grey Slate Tom Turkey Antics

    I have a Grey Slate Tom Turkey that is turning 1 year next month and lately his behaviors have changed a bit lately and I wanted input from you guys on why this is happening and what to expect. Up to now Tom has been friendly with myself and with visitors however the other day one of my egg...
  11. RennaeHanson

    My newest Tom turkey and his hen....hopefully in the spring I'll have eggs!

    My newest Tom turkey and his hen....hopefully in the spring I'll have eggs!
  12. RennaeHanson

    Topic of the Week - Chicken behaviour and flock dynamics - Part 1 - The pecking order

    I have been watching my flock and I find it really interesting that my rooster (profile picture) has complete control of his hens...when he speaks they listen and you can see them all running to do what he wants them to do. It's actually quite fascinating watching the interaction between them. I...
  13. RennaeHanson

    Arizona Chickens

    I like not having to worry about any added "extras".
  14. RennaeHanson

    Arizona Chickens

    Layer Mash – 16% protein, no soy, corn or canola (with fishmeal) USDA Certified Organic - 50lb Bag - $32.50 Quantity - USDA Certified Organic
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