Recent content by ReseisCL16

  1. ReseisCL16

    Hybrid Breeding Genetics

    Actually, yes! Thanks for asking! They've been hatching the past three days and they all look a little different. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but some have spots of white and red on them. All babies are healthy (no weird genetic stuff so far). :yesss: Mama hen is also doing way better...
  2. ReseisCL16

    Hybrid Breeding Genetics

    Thanks so much @RoostersAreAwesome! That is super helpful! I'm personally hoping for some more duckwings. ;) I did the math, and these chicks are due to hatch on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Any way they turn out, I guess they're all little Christmas presents. :love
  3. ReseisCL16

    Are EE's eggs always blue?

    Yep, I'd definitely agree. The pigment just varies sometimes in the EEs, because they are hybrids. The chicks from the feed-store are especially unreliable in pigment; breeders' birds are a little more consistent. If you are concerned about nutritional deficiencies, the texture of the...
  4. ReseisCL16

    Hybrid Breeding Genetics

    Hi all! I recently had a little hen go broody under my barn and her eggs are due to hatch next week. This is the second generation of (accidental) Rosecomb-Dutch bantam crosses that I've bred and I'm curious about what this batch will look like. The parents are offspring of a Silver Dutch...
  5. ReseisCL16

    Russian Tumblers??

    I unfortunately do not have the space to breed my birds much, so I'm very on top of taking away eggs. I know this sounds a little silly, but I'm really just looking for a companion for my lone Port female. :) I'm a bit of a sucker and I really just want everyone to have a mate out there...
  6. ReseisCL16

    Russian Tumblers??

    Hey there all! I'm back with more pigeon questions! Since I first bought Portuguese tumblers 3 years ago, I have absolutely fallen in love with pigeons! Now I've got a loft full of white Homers and a smaller loft for my Ports. I love to watch them dive and swoop (although I've yet to see any...
  7. ReseisCL16

    Black or Blue?

    That's what I was thinking. She just seemed awfully dark for a blue...:confused:
  8. ReseisCL16

    Black or Blue?

    Calling all Cochin lovers! Yes, I am a huge fan too, especially of the banties! This year I ended up with a spicy little hen, Malt, who has a color pattern that I just can't define. She's headed for show in a month, and I've got to have an actual color to call her. Conformation wise, I think...
  9. ReseisCL16

    Moving A LOT of Birds Long Distancel

    Hey all! I need some advice. There is a distinct possibility that I will be moving unexpectedly to a different state this summer and, if that happens, my birds would be coming along. However, I do have quite the flock. Here's what I've got: 47 hens 6 roosters 5 ducks 23 pigeons (18 Homers, 5...
  10. ReseisCL16


    It's beginning to look a little better. Panting has stopped for the most part (it was too hot ;)) and it's completely dried it's feathers. The last remaining problem seems to be that it can't stand, even tho it's trying really, really hard. Probably just weak and small? (Pretty sure this little...
  11. ReseisCL16


    Still panting, but lots of wobbles and sqeaks, so that's good news. I've never hatched chicks before, so I'm a little frazzled! :)
  12. ReseisCL16


    So I figured it might be a little hot and moved it away from the light. It's trying really hard to stand, but keeps falling over backwards. Heat lamp wise, this particular hen actually rejected a few adopted chicks, and they are the ones under this light. They seem vigorous and happy, no...
  13. ReseisCL16

    Emergency Chick Hatch!!

    so crazy story, my hen tried to hatch 4 eggs. Successfully hatched 1. She left the nest for good 3 days later and so I put her other eggs aside. One of those eggs just hatched about 24 hours after I removed the eggs and I found the chick still wet and on its back. I'm currently holding the chick...
  14. ReseisCL16


    so crazy story, my hen tried to hatch 4 eggs. Successfully hatched 1. She left the nest for good 3 days later and so I put her other eggs aside. One of those eggs just hatched about 24 hours after I removed the eggs and I found the chick still wet and on its back. I'm currently holding the chick...
  15. ReseisCL16

    Training Birds

    Thank you for all the help! BYC is just amazing! The king strain is pretty diluted; the breeder I purchased them from had one king in his entire homer flock. Why, I have no idea. The only thing that I've noticed with these homer crosses is that a few are a bit chunkier than my pure homers...
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