Recent content by RGB RIP

  1. R

    Rooster Psychology

    This rooster is one that we adopted from a man who provides fertile eggs to elementary schools to hatch. At the end of the school year he had 130 chickens he needed to re-home. My husband and I each picked one out. My husband's turned out to be a rooster, but he was in love with "his" bird, so...
  2. R

    Rooster Psychology

    Unfortunately that guy can draw blood even through my jeans. I've been told you can have their spurs filed down, but here in Los Angeles it's almost impossible to find a vet who will even see a chicken.
  3. R

    Rooster Psychology

    That's a good idea.
  4. R

    Rooster Psychology

    Our rooster is now around 2 years old. It's absolutely true that his aggression seems to be all about the girls. Before we got a rooster, the hens were all very friendly "lap chickens," but now they're all flighty and I can't touch any of them. Makes it a little hard to examine them for mites...
  5. R

    Rooster Psychology

    I've got suburban Los Angeles chickens, so this is another one of those questions that real farm people will probably laugh at. But we have 4 hens and an "accidental" half-bantam rooster that we took a liking to and decided to keep. But out of consideration for our neighbors, I take him out of...
  6. R

    Rescued a hen - health concerns?

    Apparently I've become known as the crazy bird lady of the neighborhood, because early this week a lady showed up on my doorstep to tell me about a random rooster seen running around a yard down the street where the house is under construction. Apparently the construction workers had caught it...
  7. R

    De-worming a single chicken?

    I have 4 chickens, 3 of which are relatively new (arrived mid-July). The 2 year-old hen from my original flock became unsociable around the time her last original flock mate died and the new ones arrived. She stopped laying eggs entirely, her comb is pale, and she seems a little skinny. I...
  8. R

    Keeping Faverolles (and other bearded/feathered-food breeds) clean

    I have one Salmon Faverolles hen. She's the only chicken I've had with a beard and feathered feet, and it just seems like she's always uncomfortable and dirty compared to my other chickens. Her beard and feet are always encrusted with dirt, and I'm constantly having to clean her bottom. I...
  9. R

    Perch covers - does that product exist?

    So I was scrubbing all the disgusting heat-baked poop off my roosting bars this morning. That got me to thinking, wouldn't it be awesome if there were some kind of rubber or silicone cover that just pops on and off a 2x4? Instead of washing and scrubbing the wood (and leaving it damp), you...
  10. R

    Pullet Panic

    She's definitely my most high-strung chicken, and definitely not the smartest one. (And people say Easter Eggers are calm...). Hopefully she'll mellow out as she gets older.
  11. R

    Pullet Panic

    The hens certainly seem to like it a lot better. Early on I put some of it in the run along with their regular food, and they gobbled down the grower feed until their crops were huge. I don't know if it tastes better, or if it was just a treat because it was different from their normal food...
  12. R

    Pullet Panic

    I didn't know that about the grower feed - I thought it would make the hens fat. But if they can eat it too, that will make life a lot easier.
  13. R

    Pullet Panic

    I have 2 pullets that are 13 weeks - not quite old enough yet for lay pellets, but the hens eat all their grower feed if I leave it out for them. So I bring the pullets indoors overnight so they can have their proper food for their first and last meal of the day. They stay in an extra- large...
  14. R

    Chicken-safe/chicken-resistant landscaping in hot, dry climate

    Thank you! I may have to hit up a native plant specialist to find some of these, but that's a good reference list.
  15. R

    Chicken-safe/chicken-resistant landscaping in hot, dry climate

    My chickens have the run of my backyard in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. It's hot and dry here, with terrible compacted clay soil that doesn't drain well, so gardening is a challenge. The one thing that grows really well is succulents, and I inherited a lot of them in the backyard...
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