Recent content by rhart5344

  1. rhart5344

    Chicken Pen

    I understand about the price. I just bought a 4x8 1/4 sheet of plywood for $32.00 !! Two dollars shy of premium 3/4 birch plywood last year!
  2. rhart5344

    Chicken Pen

    Your birds will have plenty of room for sure! Great job. I personally have stopped using "Chicken Wire". It does not last anymore. I have had some pins rust out in a couple of years. I have gone to hardwire fencing. Just giving you a heads up. Being you have a lot invested. It may help...
  3. rhart5344

    Backyard to Suburban farm

    I love that you have the rabbit hutch next to the compost pile !!! They are some pooping machines . Also it is awesome that you took the time to draw up this plan. I am a dreamer as well and often think about what i could do with different spaces and circumstances . Grateful
  4. rhart5344

    Growing chicken feed?

    Great information !! I grew kale for my girls this year and was amazed at how well they like it.
  5. rhart5344

    Help! Pullets won't go up ramp to the coop!

    Add a lamp to the inside of the coop. If your coop is small a 60 watt bulb will work. I like red or yellow. This gives them a feeling of safety as they were in the brooder.Their curiosity will make them run towards the light :)
  6. rhart5344

    UK lock-in for flocks - advice...

    Animals adapt to there environment for better or worse. But the key principle's are always the same.( Water-food-shelter) It doesn't have to be what we humans consider COZY.Housing will be your biggest issue with having 13 birds but still doable. I personally have 5 coops of different sizes and...
  7. rhart5344

    20x20 fenced area attached to run....making it safe

    I sometimes think people worry too much. Chickens are very alert when fully grown. I think it is more important to have places readily available for them to hide under if they fill threatened. Now don't get me wrong , if you live in an highly predator environment it may be needed but in my 30+...
  8. rhart5344

    From tool shed to Coop?

    Good point. I was not thinking about the dust from the bedding
  9. rhart5344

    From tool shed to Coop?

    I was just browsing your post and was thinking. You might want to turn your fan around to draw air out. This would allow you to run the fan even in the rain. You could put the fan on a timer and allow it to run in increments also and not have to worry about turning it on and off. This would also...
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