Recent content by Rhett&SarahsMom

  1. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Just an update

    thanks everyone! To make things even better.. today we finally got our HEAT back!! Our burner kivied up and wouldnt turn back on the beginning of the heating season. So we have been using space heaters to heat the rooms. Luckily it has been a mild season so far.. but it was getting colder and...
  2. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Just an update

    Well it's been months since I have had a moment or felt well enough to sit and type. Last time I was here I was sick with an unknown cause. Couldnt sit for an extended time, was in pain through out my entire abdomen and lower back. Was seeing specialist after specialist.. after specialist with...
  3. Rhett&SarahsMom

    husbands sister needs to go rant

    sorry,, but I would LEAVE. His sister and her family is disrespecting you in your home. AND so is YOUR HUSBAND. Why are you still there? There is NO WAY you should be taking this. And that he isnt standing beside you is wrong. Yes it is his sister, but ya know what. YOU ARE HIS WIFE. If he...
  4. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Chickens wont eat flies?

    we ended up putting a roof over the run to help keep it drier. The flies and stink were awful. And since my neighbors are really really close I had to do something. The DE didnt do much at all. I ended up getting Golden Marlin and setting up bait stations for the flies. Worked like a charm. Just...
  5. Rhett&SarahsMom

    what is this on my game-cam?

    Just a few weeks ago in CT there was a Mt Lion/Cougar hit by a car. First the dept of wildlife tried to convince everyone that it was one that had been being kept as a pet. Then they got the lab results back. It's DNA belonged to a known group in CO. AND it had been eating wild caught things etc...
  6. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Over-educated housewife has foaming at the mouth rant

    right htere with ya. been sick, in pain with no diagnosis only trating pain symptom for weeks now. today? lost my job. i didnt get the fmla papers back to them in time,, after not being told I had to have them back by such and such date. been too doped up, dizzy and in pain to do much of...
  7. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Sort of freaked out

    when i worked for the bank years ago. i saw this hapen all the time. heck, my was band (ist dh) did it to me. Now I have a sepearte acct in my name. and my own credit cards etc. it happens. frequently. some people, both men and women just simply suck
  8. Rhett&SarahsMom

    An Ultrasound, a MRI, a specialist consultation and a colonoscopy

    and still no answer as to why I am in so much pain. Been since the 7th of July. Nausea, intermittent dizziness, constant pain that is even there ,but to a lesser amount with the percosets. I been to the obgyn.. thought it was fibroids. Had an consult with the guy about the fibroid embolization...
  9. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Cock Feather Thieves at Fairs - Gain from our experience

    I saw a 6 year old with feathers in her hair at the local WalMart the other day. A local salon is advertising them out front. Years ago someone was cutting tails off some of the horses at the stable I was boarding at. Nothing like going to get your horse from the field and finding what used to...
  10. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Fmla ... Help!!!!???

    Thanks SO much for the replies. I knew I could count on my BYC friends for help. Love you guys
  11. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Fmla ... Help!!!!???

    Heres the situation. I have been out of work for about 2 weeks time now for the same "illness" yet to be diagnosed. I went first to my primary care doctor. Who set me up for an ultra sound. Those results came to her and I also requested that they be faxed to my obgyn who is in a different...
  12. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Uterine Fibroids . Embolization? Hysterectomy? Thoughts???

    Update: I am at work.. still uncomfortable. The appt I have on the 15th is at the Oncology dept. which I was previously unaware of. Imagine my shock when I found this out.... Needless to say I am barely keeping it together. Every time I let myself "go there" I have to run for the bathroom. My...
  13. Rhett&SarahsMom

    Uterine Fibroids . Embolization? Hysterectomy? Thoughts???

    Quote: I think with her it is the health insurance company that is driving her on the no hys. She knows that one kid was more than enough for me.. My pregnancy was THAT hard. Recovery was just as hard. Good thing my daughter is a great kid. LOL I have the MRI tomorrow morning and a consult...
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