Recent content by Rhetts

  1. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    One thing I don't like about this new BYC setup is that I cannot comment on the likes I give. I enjoyed writing a little something with a post or pic I liked. Made it personal.
  2. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    @ejb3810 you ain't kidding about it raining all the time. Every day it is raining. I had to take the kids out to the garden to chuck out buckets of standing water 3 times in August and we are heading out again today (since the rain has stopped for now). :barnie Late chiming in on your appts...
  3. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Nice to see you back @KlopKlop! House looks good. We survived the weekend with all the out of town guests. Day two of school is going ok for us here. Can't wait for the flow of the routine to return around here. Had to unexpectedly send one of the cows to freezer camp. She would get out...
  4. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Wow! Lots of things going on! Glad I took the time to catch up!! @holm25 How is your pup doing? and beautiful bird pics! @duluthralphie Glad to 'see' you here. You know we miss you terribly when you are gone. Seriously! When driving through the big town by @ejb3810 We stopped in the newer...
  5. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    I have to admit, Autumn is my favorite season. LOVE chilly mornings drinking coffee, watching the world wake up all around me. But I just feel so unprepared this year. Just too much going on and too much to do still and whamo!! the leaves are changing and the birds are leaving and garden is...
  6. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Oh Monday. This week will be my busiest yet. Looking forward to next Monday when my life should settle in some. DH family coming from out of town for the Labor Day weekend. All of his siblings and families will be together which when one of twelve can be challenging most times. We of course...
  7. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Anyone else feeding hummingbirds?? I have been going through the sugar water like crazy for over a month and a half! Literally! Thought for sure they would have left by now. Well, the males left about a week to week and a half ago but still have the females. I am filling two feeders every...
  8. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Yes, I have had enough rain. The last bout had my beets floating for days and days. I really dislike the bog I live in at certain times of the year. Spring snow melt, downpour rains in spring, summer and fall, and mosquito season. Bogtown- you are doing fantastic! When you feel overwhelmed...
  9. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    A question to Jerry or those that are canning the tomatoes.... You said you used blender first then used the food mill to take seeds out. What is a food mill? I was thinking about using that Sauce Master tool. Are they the same thing? I apologize for my novice questions. :p
  10. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Wow! I am impressed you found a vet to help with chickens. I went through a Heck of a time a couple years back trying to find ANYONE to help without luck. Total bummer at the time. Polish roosters are so funny looking with their crazy do!
  11. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Bogtown-Thinking of you and hoping all goes well. :hugs
  12. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Thanks for the tips!! I really do think of you guys often. I just never find myself on the computer much. Remember I don't have those fancy phones like you all do so I have to actually physically be inside on the computer. I think too that this summer I over extended myself thinking I could do...
  13. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Hi All! Jumping in from out of nowhere I know. I have a question for those that raise meat birds (@duluthralphie ) I remember we had talked about it awhile ago about how to feed them to slow the growth just slightly and use some free ranging. I can't find the details. Anyone care to share...
  14. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Sounds like folks have a good day ahead of them. (Minus going back to work at your paying jobs.) Being outside working gardens and chickens and whatever other animals can be so rewarding sometimes. We are stringing electric wire today. Double line so the cow with the special escape gift might...
  15. Rhetts

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Too funny, Ralphie, about your roo! Jerry, make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids!! Heat and humidity can creep up quick and smack ya around. Hate all the crap that seems to happen when you are trying to get ready to go somewhere. Hope the rest of the coons leave you be.
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