Recent content by Rick

  1. Rick

    WTB - White Orpingtons

    Wanting to buy some white Orpingtons. Located in Western Washington. Prefer some babies but will consider some older hens. Thanks! -Rick
  2. Rick

    Turns Out I Do Have Willpower!

    Well, I don't expect to complete everything this weekend, but I've been planning it for two years now.... and I already put in a concrete floor last summ. I even bought the wood a few weeks ago. I should be able to get the walls up this weekend. The thing is, I've already committed to two...
  3. Rick

    Turns Out I Do Have Willpower!

    I hope you get I was teasing but really, it is sad not to bring them home. Speaking of coops, I have to build mine this weekend! Need to have it done before the Cascade Show on the 15th. -Rick
  4. Rick

    Turns Out I Do Have Willpower!

    Wow, I'm really sorry for all you!! (Except you Kaneke, congrats!) I'm lucky, I went to the feed store to buy some more Buff Orpingtons and bought 3 more day-olds. No willpower for me!
  5. Rick

    8 and 4 week old Orp chicks Growing up very nice blues

    Love the pics! Now I have another color (splash) to add to my list! -Rick
  6. Rick

    Rare Breed chicks

    Hi Eggseronious, I bought my Dominiques from the local feed store. I know they got them from a hatchery in Iowa, but not sure which one. I think both Welps and McMurry carry Dominique though. I will say, my Dominiques were very hardy. I raised over 30 from day-olds and didn't lose any...
  7. Rick

    Pictures of new chicks from MPC, PIC HEAVY!!

    Thanks Chickadee28 and seafood for the hatchery notes. I went and checked out all three, My Pet Chicken, Meyers Hatchery, and Privett Hatchery, and they only sell Buff Orpingtons. I'm lucky as my local feedstore got their chicks in last week (but the only color Orpington was Buff too)...
  8. Rick

    Pictures of new chicks from MPC, PIC HEAVY!!

    From what I count, it looks like you were shipped 10 chicks? Is this correct? When I was checking in to placing an order, it seemed like everyone required 25 chicks minimum. Did the place you order offer anything other than the "buff" Orpington? -Rick
  9. Rick

    Help with cause of chicks dying?

    Quote: Yeah, I read those threads too. First thing I did was go down to the feedstore to see how the remaining batch was doing. Since they had no deaths, at least I knew the problem was on my end. I would like to get thoughts on this one poor little roo. He seems to be eating and drinking...
  10. Rick

    First time chick owners......

    Quote: Thanks Christina! Both for the link (it was a good article) and for the book recommendation! I'll have to put that book on my list. -Rick
  11. Rick

    Help with cause of chicks dying?

    Quote: Hi living2ride, Not sure who this question was directed to... if me with the original post, I have talked to the feedstore and all their Buff Orpingtons are doing great. (My chicks came from Phinney Hatchery in Walla Walla.) Right now, I'm thinking my chicks may have gotten too cold...
  12. Rick

    Help with cause of chicks dying?

    I was surprised at the temperature difference too. The chicks are inside - but close to the outside door. (Only place the brooder would fit.) That's why I put in the divider last night, as the brooder was originally built when I had 16 Dominiques. I'm thinking what probably happened was that...
  13. Rick

    Help with cause of chicks dying?

    My question on the temperature is WHERE to measure it. The reason, is that the temp seems to fall off very quickly as I move out from directly under the light. At one point in my checking last night, directly under the bulb was 100 degrees, but a few inches out was 88 degrees. I figured...
  14. Rick

    *Washington* 2008 Cascade Spring Show

    Quote: Hi Candy, Um, yeah, I haven't Googled it, it was just what I heard. Sounded the same to me -Rick
  15. Rick

    *Washington* 2008 Cascade Spring Show

    Quote: Yeah, Barry, the owner of Monroe Farm & Feed, told me the regular layers come from [Finney Hatery, iirc] Walla Walla but the exotics come from Iowa. -Rick
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