Recent content by Ricognyze

  1. R

    One hen making a moaning sound and squeaky hiccup

    Happy to report that this morning she is fine. It was a stridor indeed! Thank you @Eggcessive for the diagnosis!
  2. R

    One hen making a moaning sound and squeaky hiccup

    Thank you for the reply. I pray you’re right. Once I started reading up on respiratory illness I started getting a bit terrified. So many possible ailments. Makes your head spin! I’ll report back in the morning. Thank you!
  3. R

    One hen making a moaning sound and squeaky hiccup

    Just noticed this as I went to put my girls to bed. Something is going on. My neighbor told me she heard quite a commotion in the coop earlier today. I didn’t see any apparent injuries. Any ideas please??
  4. R

    2 of 4 chickens won’t roost

    That could be. It hit 98 and humid yesterday.
  5. R

    2 of 4 chickens won’t roost

    It’s hard to get an idea of how big the space is
  6. R

    2 of 4 chickens won’t roost

    There are three roosting bars in there, so there should be enough room. The hens are 2 years old. This only started a couple months ago. Not sure what changed
  7. R

    2 of 4 chickens won’t roost

    Yes that’s the one
  8. R

    2 of 4 chickens won’t roost

    It started at the beginning of summer where 3 of my girls would hang out on the ramp to the coop rather than go in when it got dark. The one same hen that would go in, would roost, no problem. I couldn’t really figure out why that was happening, but since the sun has started setting earlier...
  9. R

    Stopped go in coop at night

    Hello all, update: My neighbor, who also has chickens recommended I put a light inside the coop and put that on as it gets dark to lure them in, and sure enough that did the trick! Funny, sometimes it’s the simplest thing! I know chickens aren’t always the brightest animal, seems like a...
  10. R

    Stopped go in coop at night

    What issues are you seeing? Are they more specific to a different area of the country? Now you have me concerned 😆
  11. R

    Stopped go in coop at night

    Wow, you really do have to watch for snakes. Here in suburban minnesota garter snakes are the only ones around and they are small and would be more likely to be eaten :D
  12. R

    Stopped go in coop at night

    Holy cow that's a big snake! I have not seen any sign of snakes. The coop is about 2-3 feet off the ground, so unless they can climb the posts the coop is supported on (I don't know, maybe the can!) their only other access route would be the ramp to the door. We aren't in much of a snake...
  13. R

    Stopped go in coop at night

    I may do as you say and augment the existing coop for now. Having spent nearly $1000 on this coop my wife may kill me if I insist on building a whole new one 😆 Time is my biggest enemy right now with everything going on in life right now, so modifying will be preferred over building. Being a...
  14. R

    Stopped go in coop at night

    There is a matching vent on both sides. Attached are photos of the actual coop and run. The run is a repurposed dog run and is sizable at 9x15 feet. So they do have plenty of space to spread their wings. Also, in the winter (we have had them for one winter so far) the roofed overhang keeps most...
  15. R

    Stopped go in coop at night

    I did a mite check and couldn’t find anything. I checked their vents and also ran a paper towel along the roost bars top and bottom at night and nothing. I did this shortly after dusk. Do I need to do it later in the evening perhaps?
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