Recent content by RisingPhoenixFarms

  1. RisingPhoenixFarms

    7 chickens for sale

    Try posting on the California thread might find people close to you there.
  2. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Is this a Speckled Sussex? Hen or Roo?

    Definitely a cockerel. Looks just like my Speckled Sussex boy.
  3. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Is this a Speckled Sussex? Hen or Roo?

    Definitely not a Speckled Sussex. Looks like some chicks i got from Jenks Hatchery in Oregon. They were calling them Silver Laced Sussex. Though the tail looks slightly different.
  4. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Please tell me this isn't a bone 🤢🤮

    Hard to tell. Is she having issues walking on it?
  5. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Flock disruption - no eggs while broody chicken broods

    Great advice above. How Aart does it is exactly how i do it. I have one girl that it takes about 7 days to break her and the others only 2 or 3. Just make sure enough air is getting through underneath to cool down her underside.
  6. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Ducks mating question

    Not really. In my experience they get a little less aggressive about it but they always seem to want to mate. It is their life purpose to mate as often as possible. They will need to be separated their entire lives unless you can bring your ratios up to 4:1 (5:1 is better) or remove most of the...
  7. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Duck eggs

    I keep mine on the counter and wash when i am ready to use them. I just use water.
  8. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Ducks mating question

    Hormones are probably settling for the year as mating season winds down. You'll likely have the same issue with over-mating next season. If your not wanting to rehome any then it would probably be best just to have 2 separate flocks. An all male one and either an all girl one or one that...
  9. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Where were you born?

    I was born in Australia. I've moved all over the world and currently reside in Oregon.
  10. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Decreased daylight time and egg laying for soon to be layers

    If they haven't already started laying and the days are getting shorter i wouldn't be all that surprised if you don't see your first eggs until next year. I personally just let nature take its course. They'll lay when their little bodies are ready.
  11. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Chicks have arrived

    I've heard this ... it wasn't my experience. I hope OP has my luck!
  12. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Help me figure out this confusing gender-neutral duck

    I'm going to go with male. Based on what you've written i thought male and then you said they still have their baby voices. In my experience males take far longer than females. All females I've raised have gotten their voices between 3 and 8 weeks and the males have been closer to 12. Just my...
  13. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Curiosity - Genetics, Colorings etc.

    Thankyou so much. You have been super helpful. I'll definitely check out the calculator now that i understand more how it works.
  14. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Curiosity - Genetics, Colorings etc.

    So tell me if I'm understanding this correctly, a Speckled Sussex Roo doesn't carry dominant genes as far as coloring? Or is it just that the breeds of hens i have are more dominant? Are hens the ones that carry the color genes? Curiosity peaked more lol
  15. RisingPhoenixFarms

    Curiosity - Genetics, Colorings etc.

    I have some cream leg bar crosses (no idea what they are crossed with though, they are cream with black leakage around neck and black tail feathers. Any idea what this might look like with the Speckled Sussex rooster?
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