Recent content by RJSorensen

  1. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    A picture of some of the Icelandic chicks from this year, this is my cold weather brooder and after a few early season tweaks, it is running sweet. Love them chicks.
  2. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Hello folks… I just changed our rooster on Sunday morning, This orange fellow is Alfa, he is one of three Icelandic roosters we kept from last year. He is replacing Ice our Columbia looking fellow. We have chicks! Our own from my own incubator. Spring is getting started and everyone is loving it.
  3. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Evening folks. This is Salt/Pepper take your pick, he has a matching black and white molted hen. In my first year we found the male/female ration to be nearly two to one. Males seem to come a plenty. I have about sixty Icelandic eggs set this past weekend… a test hatch to see what it is we are...
  4. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Hello Icies! We are head over heals for this landrace. We do hope to improve with some experience, learned the hard way. It is good to have a sage or too on hand to help with all of this. We hope to expand this year, at least that is the plan.
  5. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Afternoon kind folks~ and hello NAF… A shot of this morning of my Icelandic's and a banty or two. Our first year has been good. Never as good as one might hope, but good for what that first training year is for. We ended up with seven hens, plus Summer and Autumn and two pullets from them. So...
  6. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Morning folks, Love the pictures I see here, and the stories that punctuate them and the growth of the birds. The DW and I have never been happier with any bird, nor breed, than we are with the Icelandic's. I have not done a 'hard count' of my pullets/cockerels as of yet, but at twelve weeks...
  7. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Hello good Icelandic keepers, This little peep is from my own stock, of adult Icee birds. I have eight now and have two more hatches in the works. So here is hoping for good hatch rates. This is one of the cockerels that we like, but how in the heck does one select a 'few' to keep? A...
  8. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    And a flock overview. Been as much fun as one can have to enjoy these. Everyone have a happy and safe weekend.
  9. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Here is another one of the ever growing pullets we have.
  10. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Hello Icelandic members. This is one of our new pullets on a rock pile I am working of for them. Birds are coming along nicely and it ha been a lot of fun. I got one chick to hatch from a broody hen, my first and we named him Thor. A week later we had four more hatch from an incubator. I think I...
  11. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Icies… your birds are beautiful. I just looked through your photos posted in the thread, and I think they are fine looking birds. RJ
  12. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Good morning folks, a few quick photographs of the Icelandic chicks. They are starting their seventh week today and are quite wild and active. I have let them out of their grow out pen the past few days and they are taking to it better than I would have thought. Running and chest bumping and...
  13. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    All is well here NAF… chicks are growing, weather is unsettled, we seem to be busy as bees. i will try to get some photographs up of our progress. Everyone have a safe weekend. RJS
  14. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Took this last Saturday from the backyard, the mountains are about three miles west of me and are in the Wilderness classification. We have Mountain Lions and all the rest, I am 600 feet from the town creek and the Raccoons live in there. We only worry about the Raccoons, and have lost birds to...
  15. RJSorensen

    Icelandic Chickens

    Well decided to come up for air… I am just past page 550 of the thread, and have just been through all of the Mothers Day wishes and such. Except it was for 2011, so five years ago. Shawn just had his daughter and Mary had an Emu pass. The life and times of interesting people. I will get done...
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