Recent content by Rnbwbrite1207

  1. Rnbwbrite1207

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hello everyone! I haven't been on in a long while but glad to see your all doing well. I had my first broody two weeks ago and since our eggs aren't fertile we got her a six chicks from the TSC. Honestly I already have to many for the space we have but have been intending to move some on in the...
  2. Rnbwbrite1207

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Today is so exciting! My very first broody ever has six peeping little chicks under her! She has been so mild tempered, always letting me take extra eggs out from under her. But tonight she has become a fierce little beast! She pecked me like crazy while I was checking out her chicks. I hope...
  3. Rnbwbrite1207


    Does anyone in northeast ohio have a few fertile eggs they could spare for my broody? I am not picky about breed but would like about six for the little lady.
  4. Rnbwbrite1207

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Hey everyone, I have an inexplicable problem. I went out to the coop to check on everyone today, I have this barnevelder that is POL an feels the entire world needs to know everytime she steps into a nest box. (Usually on top of everyone else) anyway I open the door am the wall behind the top...
  5. Rnbwbrite1207

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    My husband called on his way to work because he was at a stop light and saw a transformer blow! This area is just not equipped for this kind of cold.
  6. Rnbwbrite1207

    Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

    I am curious, what sort of parasites and diseases do you have to watch for and deal with oz? I was thinking about it today because I found lice on my chickens yesterday an gave everyone and everything a good coating of seven dust. It's the first time I have ever had to deal with that. I was also...
  7. Rnbwbrite1207

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Katt66, I think you could make your garden a hoop coop pretty easily with some PVC pipe and chicken wire. Cover one end with a tarp.
  8. Rnbwbrite1207

    Adroid vs Apple

  9. Rnbwbrite1207

    New Free BYC iPhone & iPad App

    I am having three problems 1. Can't view links posted in threads. When I try the page just goes white. 2. When I try to view pics I always get sent to the very first pic. 3. I am randomly being sent to the App Store. Even when no ads are visible. Edited to add: it happened while I was typing this.
  10. Rnbwbrite1207

    Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

    Corn does not increase body heat. It is a very starchy high carbohydrate food low in fat that does use more metabolic energy to digest and is low in nutrition. A chickens body heat is controlled by seperate factors than digestion.
  11. Rnbwbrite1207

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Leah's mom- regular plywood, 3/8 I think
  12. Rnbwbrite1207

    Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

    My largest chicken, a Rhode Island Red, grabbed, killed and ate a robin not to long ago. She is a little scary. :)
  13. Rnbwbrite1207

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I have one in my nest box, my boxes are one box seperated into three. I put the heater under the box sandwiched between the wood and a second board to hold it. It is on a temperature timer with the water heater so it only comes on at freezing temp. It doesn't come on very often but it does work...
  14. Rnbwbrite1207

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    lalaland "I'ld like to invent a warm nest for them to lay in so there would be a chance of getting eggs that are intact." Try a reptile mat in your nest box, the sell them at pet stores
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