Recent content by RT Goth Barn

  1. R

    Comment by 'RT Goth Barn' in article 'White Faced Black Spanish From Chick To Adulthood'

    I'm a little late to this post, but thank you so much for posting! I just received my first WFBS and this was great info!
  2. R

    Anyone else get Hoover's Crèvecœurs?

    I've been wondering if I got some polish, but seeing now at 3.5 months they are bigger than my almost 5 month old cemanis and sport legbars, they are about the size of some of my smaller/less fluffy standard size year old ladies (California white, Iowa Blue, cream legbar) so I think polish is...
  3. R

    What is this feather pattern/color called?

    This is amazing info! Thank you! I have a gold duckwing phoenix roo who did look so similar as a baby to this one as a baby!
  4. R

    Anyone else get Hoover's Crèvecœurs?

    We purchased some Crèvecœurs from our local farm store who supplies Hoover's chicks. The bin was filled with black, blue, splash ans white Crèvecœurs (unless RK mislabeled them) and we got one that seemed to be blue with splashes of black and white, and one white one. However, I'm having...
  5. R

    What is this feather pattern/color called?

    Awesome, thank you so much! I spent a few hours trying to figure out exactly what defines "partridge" is chickens and couldn't find anything, so I gave up and asked here! Thank you so much!
  6. R

    What is this feather pattern/color called?

    I have this EE (sold as "Americana") who is just so beautiful! Is there a specific name for this pattern or colors? I've never seen anything like it!
  7. R

    Learning to identify bantam breeds from chicks

    This is such great info thank you so much! Also, I have a few crested standard chickens and never realized about the vaulted skull, but now that I read that I realize their heads are indeed a different shape! That's wild! Thank you so much for all the info!
  8. R

    Starlight Green Eggers Progress Pics and Breed Discussion

    Love this thread! I have one SGE! She has very strong cream legbar looks, she has a big goofy comb that is folded up like ribon candy, lays just a very light green egg (much closer to blue but definitely a hint of green) was always very skittish, didn't like people much and only really liked...
  9. R

    Learning to identify bantam breeds from chicks

    I have been thinking a lot about eventually starting a bantam flock or just getting a few. While I can absolutely order which bantams I would prefer, I love to look at the mixed bantam bin at the farm store and always fall in love with a few. I am pretty good at identifying or at least narrowing...
  10. R

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Mister BYC Beauty Pageant

    Omg, crying! Thank you so much! So excited to tell Chicky he is a winner in the morning!!!! 😍😍😍
  11. R

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Mister BYC Beauty Pageant

    Thank you so much! It's all him- as soon as I hold up my phone he turns so I can see his tail and then poses perfectly! He's been practicing his whole life for this moment! 😂
  12. R

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Miss BYC Beauty Pageant

    Her name: Josette/Josie Age: 6.5 months Color: b&w barred Breed: Dominique
  13. R

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Mister BYC Beauty Pageant

    Name: Chicky Age: 7 months Color: Gold, black, red, Breed: Gold Duckwing Phoenix
  14. R

    1 chick 1 pullet unknown breeds!

    As times go on I'm starting to think you're right! I haven't been able to find anything else that looks like this guy except a bunch of Phoenix roosters that are identical! This guy still has a very small body but SUCH LONG FEATHERS, body wise he is still smaller than hens even half his age...
  15. R

    Hens disappearing, now that head rooster was sold?

    Did the 3 hens that went missing belong to the Maran you sold? What are the breeds of the 3 roosters who aren't a problem?
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