Recent content by RubelliteRose

  1. RubelliteRose

    Day 23 for broody - any hope?

    Thank you, that is what we were afraid of😞
  2. RubelliteRose

    One of six 6-7 week old chicks POSSIBLY ate metal nut?

    We have a telescoping magnet bar from Home Depot and it has been extremely helpful with finding dropped metal screws or staples so our girls don't eat them. They aren't very expensive and are worth the price. Ours looks like this one: Hopefully your chick didn't eat the nut and you can find...
  3. RubelliteRose

    Day 23 for broody - any hope?

    This was day 23 and there has been no sign of hatching from any of the eggs under my broody. Her eggs last time hatched on day 20. I tried candling 4 of the 8 and pulled one egg that was sloshy. I couldn't tell if there is any movement or not. My pictures aren't great(I only got 2). Is...
  4. RubelliteRose

    Informal research poll on broodiness

    I have had 2 hens go broody. I free range most days and feed Purina Flock Raiser. I currently have 2 roosters and 14 hens. Broody #1 went broody 2 years ago - one time only. She is a McMurry Americuana(EE). She raised our 2 current roosters. Broody #2 also went broody 2 years ago and is...
  5. RubelliteRose

    Official BYC Poll: How often do you change your chickens' water in hot weather?

    We use several rubber feed pans as water bowls. I change out the water every night and add more during the day if the level is low. We keep the water in the shade during the summer so it does not get too hot.
  6. RubelliteRose

    Does everyone stress ordering chicks the first time 😱

    This is a good idea. They may want to call or visit to confirm if that is the correct location also. When I ordered chicks, I stopped in at the PO closest to me and was told that chicks arrive at a different facility. Glad I asked! Sign up for text notifications too - I received my text...
  7. RubelliteRose

    Broody hen with fresh hatchlings. Next steps?

    Congratulations on your hatch! We have nest boxes with 7" tall sides, so after all the chicks were hatched and dry(late on day 2 I think), we moved our broodies and the chicks out of the nest boxes onto the coop floor. Both broodies gathered their chicks and settled into opposite corners of...
  8. RubelliteRose

    Birds which don't eat flowers?

    I think instead of finding birds that don't eat flowers, you will have better luck planting flowers that aren't bothered by birds. You may need to fence them off until they get established. I know my chickens doesn't touch my daylilies, hosta, anise hyssop, iris, creeping phlox, daffodils or...
  9. RubelliteRose

    How to train a misbehaving chicken

    As others have said, chickens cannot be trained with punishment. They simply are not capable of understanding it. What you can do is add a second layer of fencing to your garden. In our area, Lowes carries 2 foot tall, 2" mesh chicken wire fairly inexpensively. If you don't care how it looks...
  10. RubelliteRose

    Solar Eclipse 2024 Coming April 8th!

    Thanks for the report! I was wondering what chickens do during the eclipse.
  11. RubelliteRose

    Chicks arriving in the late afternoon?

    It may be too late since they are in the system, but did you also sign up for text notification from USPS? When I ordered chicks 2 years ago, my text delivery notice came through over an hour before I received a phone call. I had already been in the lobby for a half hour waiting for the PO to...
  12. RubelliteRose

    Announcement Coming Soon: BYC Extreme Coop Makeover YouTube Series! - April fool's 2024

    Will you be showing interior as well as exterior makeovers? The exterior of my coop is fine, but my flock informed me yesterday that they were unhappy with their outdated interior decor.
  13. RubelliteRose

    Eggs, Eggs and More Eggs

    We give some away to friends and family. We also sometimes scramble eggs for the chickens who love them. We also eat a lot of eggs. I created a Pinterest board with egg recipes sorted by how many eggs used and sometimes choose dinner by what uses the most eggs😂
  14. RubelliteRose

    Pine nuggets as nesting box material

    It looks like the same ones we use for kitty litter 🙂 They are from Tractor Supply.
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