Recent content by Sahraschweiss

  1. Sahraschweiss

    Cream legbar pullet? with spurs - hope it's a girl!

    It's a girl! However I'm concerned with her body language in the pictures. Looks like she doesn't feel well. Tail droopy and neck pulled in.
  2. Sahraschweiss

    Friendly rooster breeds

    I have a buff orp, splash wyandotte, barnevelder, and 2 barnyard mixes. All 5 are together and are good boys. My favorite is the buff. You need to give them about 2 years.months 8 through 18 are tough. They are super mate driven and have no manners. Get as a chick and raise within a mature flock.
  3. Sahraschweiss

    Favorite chicken breeds?

    Here's what I have now--all hatchery grade: Buff orps-- 3 yrs old small eggs. Friendly. Would get again. Barred rocks-- 3 yrs old large eggs 3-4 a week. People friendly but flock jerks. Wouldn't get again. Black sex links-- 3 yrs old large eggs 3-4 a week. People and flock friendly. Would get...
  4. Sahraschweiss

    Rooster with complex double bumblefoot

    From experience: If you have more than one rooster in your flock, avoid removing the rooster. Even for a vet visit. The fights for reintroduction were brutal. I treat my birds after they go to bed. Much easier to catch. Have your station ready. Table, bandages/vet wrap pre-cut, Neosporin...
  5. Sahraschweiss

    Broody goes Raising Arizona

    I'm at 50. I really need to thin. I might sneak a couple of chicks under her in a week or two. The flock is pretty good with babies. Momma is stubborn and doesn't break. It's easier and less stressful to just give her a couple and let her do her thing.
  6. Sahraschweiss

    Broody goes Raising Arizona

    I have a large flock of mixed ages. Some 3 years, some a year, 7 that are 10 weeks old, and 4 that are 5 weeks old. I have a Buff Orpington that has gone broody for the third year in a row. She's been dragoning (puffed up and pissed off at everything) for a week or two, but the past two days...
  7. Sahraschweiss

    Will one chicken get lonely?

    Unusual flock pic.
  8. Sahraschweiss

    Keep the extra cockerel?

    I like to set things up to make it harder to back out. I mean, everything is there, the only thing needed was him. That way he can't complain about how long it would take to find everything because I already did it for him.
  9. Sahraschweiss

    Keep the extra cockerel?

    So I'm lucky that my husband is handy and loves the chickens. Honestly, their more his chickens than mine. However sometimes he can really procrastinate. So to help motivate him, I will start setting up saw horses on the patio and dragging tools out from the garage. Instead of walking around...
  10. Sahraschweiss

    Feather Picking and Chickens with Bald Spots *Updated with Photos*

    It looks like rooster rash. You will have to wait for them to go through their molt. Mostly likely in the fall.
  11. Sahraschweiss

    Keep the extra cockerel?

    Yes to the clutter/objects to hide behind. Also make sure there is more than one food and water station. That way the dominant boy can't guard the food and water. The extra feeders and waterers also work as obstacles.
  12. Sahraschweiss

    Feather Picking and Chickens with Bald Spots *Updated with Photos*

    So feather loss due to over mating/rough rooster... He doesn't pull the feathers out. He breaks them leaving the quill still attached. The quill will need to be shed like any other feathers during a molt. Growing feathers takes time. Molt is usually triggered by light/season or stress. The...
  13. Sahraschweiss

    Backyard Mix Chicken Genetics: who's the daddy?

    I have seen the links for the genetic calculator but haven't gotten the hang of it yet. There's some much I don't know. I hatched 7 chicks this spring from a backyard mix that lays green eggs. Her mother is a gold laced wyandotte with a straight comb and dad was cream legbar. She has gold...
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