Recent content by sara213

  1. sara213

    Does anyone have any idea what did this damage?

    maybe it could be a deer. you just never know.
  2. sara213

    Does anyone have any idea what did this damage?

    hello everyone, I planted these mum's in the garden to add a little colour for the fall but something is eating the flower heads off? I don't know what it could be. I looked it up and it said earwigs but do they do that kind of damage? I thought it could be either rabbits or voles ...maybe birds...
  3. sara213

    Review by 'sara213' in article 'The "EGG PLANT"'

    Great coop, I love the name lol!
  4. sara213

    New Member Intro

    Welcome and nice to meet you!
  5. sara213

    Review by 'sara213' in article 'Breeding Modern Game Bantams By: Jeff Duguay, Ph.D.'

    This is a well written article about breeding modern's.
  6. sara213

    Comment by 'sara213' in article 'The Bantam Barn'

    Very nice coop, I like how you designed the run too.
  7. sara213

    Help Identifying a Plant

    I will plant the wild flowers. I may pull some more of the knotweed up though. Because on top of that plant we also have red fire ants. Which I believe may have been eating it? I know fire ants like to eat the tubers of some plants.
  8. sara213

    Help Identifying a Plant

    I was going to plant a seed packet of wildflower mixture of native plants that i bought from a local garden centre. I don't know how effective it will be...but it doesn't hurt to try. I don't think i would try to eat the plant either...considering i never really eat rhubarb except in pies. haha..
  9. sara213

    Help Identifying a Plant

    At first I didn't really think of it as much because what was there before was bush. We had a huge willow that came down on it own and the conservation authority people came out and cut it up for us. Then I noticed this plant that was what a couple of weeks ago. I didn't try to...
  10. sara213

    Help Identifying a Plant

    I think this is Japanese knot weed. Correct me if I am wrong.
  11. sara213

    Comment by 'sara213' in article '"You can take the girl off the farm but you can't take the farm out of the girl." (My mini-barn)'

    that's really impressive coop! I love it. :) I wish I had it haha That is a good idea for covering the run with the Polycarbonate Clear Roofing. We used plastic that has to be re applied every year in the late fall. I may use your idea for the polycarbonate clear roofing material.
  12. sara213

    Bird of Prey attacking Chickens, Identify PLEASE

    I thought it was an Ospray (but the marking on the face don't match nor does the colour) at first but I believe it is a Juvenile Red Tail Hawk. The first photo could be the same as the others too...its hard to distinguish what kind when they are that high in the air. But the photos you took that...
  13. sara213

    Comment by 'sara213' in article 'How To Process A Chicken At Home'

    Very informative post!
  14. sara213

    Novel writing

    thanks! Maybe I will decide to share at a later time. :)
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