Recent content by schmije

  1. schmije

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Out of 30 eggs 10 hatched. 2 didn't make it, so we have 8 chicks. I assume that counts as 8 for our total.
  2. schmije

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I set 30 eggs. They are 4 white, 10 medium brown, 6 light brown, 6 green, and 4 olive eggs. They'll all be barnyard mixes, since all of my roos are mixes. My girls are BO, RIR, Production Red, BR, EE, Australorp, White Leghorn, Java, as well as a bunch of mixed breeds.
  3. schmije

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I'm going to participate! We've used broodies before, but this will be our first time using an incubator. I hope some of them make it! Our chicks will be mixed breeds from our various heavy breeds.
  4. schmije

    How do you keep up with old vs. young hens in a large-ish flock?

    We currently have about 50 chickens, which is the most we've ever had. The oldest ones were born in 2011, and the youngest are still with their broody mom. With so many chickens at varying ages, it has become difficult to keep up with how old each hen is. We raise them for eggs, not as pets...
  5. schmije

    Who has two broodys hatching eggs together?

    I have a broody that's been sitting on 12 eggs for about a week and a half. Another hen went broody yesterday, and I'm thinking about splitting the eggs that are already 'cooking' and giving each hen 6. The first hen is segregated from the rest of the flock, so I'd like to keep both of them...
  6. schmije

    What can I make for the chickens with my 'buggy' flour and rice?

    Thanks for the heads-up on the bugs spreading to everything. I'll have to check the other flour, cornmeal, beans, etc in my cabinet. I'll probably cook a big batch of something tomorrow and then feed it to them over the next couple of weeks.
  7. schmije

    What can I make for the chickens with my 'buggy' flour and rice?

    I recently discovered that my large containers of flour and rice had gotten bugs in them. As I was about to throw them out, it occurred to me that my girls love bugs. They also happen to love things made with flour and rice, so I'd like to make treats for them. The rice is easy - I'll just...
  8. schmije

    Can Buff Orps Have Yellow Legs?

    Thanks guys. We've had barred rocks and white rocks, but never buff rocks. This definitely explains why they seem so different than the orpingtons.
  9. schmije

    Can Buff Orps Have Yellow Legs?

    We recently bought 25 4-5 month old chickens from a local lady. 14 of them are BO's, but we noticed that two of them have yellow legs as seen below. Are these actually BO's? They have a single comb, and their beaks are the same yellow as their legs. They're also a little larger than the...
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  11. schmije

    Does anybody else have white film on their 'clean' dishes?

    We started noticing a white film on our dishes, mostly glasses and knives, about a year ago. We initially thought that our dishwasher had stopped working correctly, but after moving to an apartment and then a new house, both with different dishwashers, the problem didn't go away. We finally...
  12. schmije

    What do you use to wash your fleece?

    Anyone used woolite? The fleece really does need to be at least rinsed to get a majority of the dust/dirt out of it. True you can card it without doing so but expect a hella dusty process! If your processing the seconds you really need something to break up any locks that are caked in mud...
  13. schmije

    This is even BETTER than the stupid stuff on Craigslist

    I'm bummed that I can only buy one at a time.
  14. schmije

    What do you use to wash your fleece?

    Quote: I'm gonna have to pass....
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