Recent content by Scottgreatkids

  1. Scottgreatkids

    Thoughts on our Coop?

    Put a ridge vent in, you can get it at Lowe's, you need more ventilation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Scottgreatkids

    Pit bull goes after neighbor then my chickens...

    A couple more pictures with the splint off and her almost back to normal. A side note, I have six hens and one rooster, before the attack there were three distinct groups from three different purchases. During the day the three groups would do their own thing and ignore the others. After...
  3. Scottgreatkids

    Pit bull goes after neighbor then my chickens...

    Update for my hen. Not many people can say they went at it with a pit bull and came out ok, especially and 4 pound hen. Here are a couple of pics of the healing. The feathers are coming in shockingly well. She is limping a bit on her leg but she is get along much better than day one...
  4. Scottgreatkids

    Pit bull goes after neighbor then my chickens...

    Thanks for the info, as for violence, howfunkyisurchechicken got it right, it was not the person but the dog, he was 70+ lbs and the neighbor was 70+ years old. The dog had to be put down, no collar, not neutered and aggressive. Bad owners are the problem. It made us sick for a couple of...
  5. Scottgreatkids

    Pit bull goes after neighbor then my chickens...

    Neighbor hit him with a board so he came over here and got to one of my Red Sexlink hens, tore out some feathers and broke one of her shanks. Green twig break but it bends under weight. treated broken skin with antibiotic ointment then wrapped with blue athletic foam and cotton tape and added...
  6. Scottgreatkids

    How do I administer a penicillin shot to a chicken?

    Should I use inject-able penicillin for what appears to be a respiratory infection? We are giving her antibiotics by water but she is going down hill...???
  7. Scottgreatkids

    Had a racc00n get a chick

    Hey all, I had a raccoon get one of my chicks and the hens have stopped laying, one of the hens now roosts in a tree nearby. The night the coon came there were partly developed egg shells on the floor of the coop (aborted eggs?).... today there were the same. I have never seen this...
  8. Default


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