Recent content by seedcorn

  1. seedcorn

    Wolf's Swap (Wolf Lake) 2012 Dates Kimmell, IN

    Live 20 miles away and haven't went for 2 years. Have I missed anything. Last time I went very few chickens--except a lot of culls and a lot of flea market stuff. Fill me in.
  2. seedcorn

    I want to get some plain pigeons but very hard to find

    You take the scent of what ever animal you are trying to train your dog to, put it on the pigeon, put the pigeon's head underneath his wing (he goes to sleep). You then allow your bird dog to find the bird, point it, you then nudge the pigeon, it flies off just like the game bird you are trying...
  3. seedcorn

    Homing/free ranging adult pigeons?

    It would be at least 2 weeks. I'd feel more comfortable if they started to nest. If they are homers, never.
  4. seedcorn

    Anyone ever sell their home " By Owner " or something with out a Realtor....

    I used the FSBO site and got it sold. It did take over a year but the buyer was from California and the house was in KY. I would recommend a realtor but in my case they were all crooks that should be drawn and quartered. My cousin (who is a realtor in another state) told me he would find me...
  5. seedcorn

    What is a good computer to get?

    Depends, If came preinstalled on old computer, can be done but hard. Depending upon what programs you want, they may come preloaded on new one. There are also "freeware" programs that will do the same thing. If you want Office, then you will have to buy it. If you know someone in college...
  6. seedcorn

    What is a good computer to get?

    For those saying Apple is great service. I'm glad you did get it. With my iphone 4s, I'm on phone #2. Bought AppleCare as well. I've talked to about 10 different service agents, 1 manager who promised me he will take care of it personnally--that turned out to be a bold face lie as he never...
  7. seedcorn

    Seedcorns Page

    Just for pets and eggs. House is for sale in KY
  8. seedcorn

    Pet Peeves........

    Quote: Does a humble person really know that they are humble?....Just a thought. Makes one think. Would a humble person tells others that they are humble?
  9. seedcorn

    Pet Peeves........

    People who blink their lights when in back of me I am going the speed limit but they want me to pull over or go faster, I hate this they wouldn't be up my butt if they would of did the limit. People who drive in left hand lane, pull beside someone doing the same speed but won't get over...
  10. seedcorn

    Wow... I love freebies!

    I like the idea of using old license plates for roofing. Wish I would have thought of that.
  11. seedcorn

    Pet Peeves........

    No thanks, DAR, I deal with people all the time. Some people just don't need to be in the gene pool.. Death does bring out the worst, as I watched that in my own families.
  12. seedcorn

    How many back up their computer on a timely basis?

    I try to as I've lost way too many important things as I forget to back up and boom, get a virus, hardware problem or something else. A $5 thumb drive is a cheap investment. How about downloading updates, and other computer operations? Just curious.
  13. seedcorn

    How to get rid of squirrels

    Quote: That and squirrel pot-pie. I like fried squirrel. Do agree, be frugal, green, don't waste them, eat them........You are doing a good environmental friendly thing.
  14. seedcorn

    Desktop computer not working? *Help Needed!*

    Hopefully you backed up your hard drive. For $300 go to WalMart and buy a new one. Unless someone has an answer, it would be cheaper than taking it to IT department.
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