Recent content by Sequestered Ridge Ranch

  1. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    Keets Feed

    Any online protein booster to add to feed so I don't have to drive 216 miles for special feed for keets? I know they require the 30% and higher protein feed, but not available in town.
  2. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    15 duck eggs 3 goose eggs and 7 guinea fowl eggs
  3. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    I have mated pair and 3 male geese, but I doubt a male goose would mate with a male duck. Nothing on the camera so far.
  4. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Found another dead female in the pond. :he
  5. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Just regular 1100 gallon stock tank in the ground, no turtles here or aquatic predators. My pigs are sure happy each time I find one, at least nothing goes to waste here.
  6. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Found two dead ducks in my duck pond past week, one drake and one hen so far. It isn't predators, since it's right next to my LGD and he isn't or doesn't have interest in any of the birds. Time to put cameras up...
  7. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    Help! Duck hatching!

    Not much you can do except let nature go the way it wants and keep any other ducklings away.
  8. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    How many duck eggs in your incubator?

    Why not, lets see where this goes... Guess I should take the lead, 152
  9. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Now it's time to just wait, turn them and water them... 152 in there, was more though few duds...
  10. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Forgot to mention I got 3 more goose eggs going into lock down today. If all 3 hatch that's a 70% hatchability rate.
  11. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    My first batch to ever hatch of 41 ducklings on the 7th of March Then there is my 2 goslings that hatched on the 19th of March Now I got 80 more ducklings due for the 1st of April
  12. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    African Geese

    Thanks, I have been trying since the first egg she laid to incubate them. Out of 5 those two made it, next batch of 5 I see only two again. So I'm changing a few things from only 3 at a time to cut down time before going in incubator, to how long they stay out and maybe help with external...
  13. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    Ten only cause it's 12°F this morning.
  14. Sequestered Ridge Ranch

    African Geese

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