Recent content by Shiningfeather

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  2. Shiningfeather

    First time Hatcher pull the red plugs y/n? plus more ???

    Have you set the eggs already? Your humidity is to high for the first 18 days. You need to remove some water. I keep mine at around 35%. Get it to about 65% last three days. Usually humidity will spike when your babies are hatching.....leave it alone it will go back down. You need to be turning...
  3. Shiningfeather

    Is this frostbite? pics

    Quote: Do you have a pic of what it looked like after it healed? I have one that will be losing about the same amount of his comb and was wondering what it will look like.
  4. Shiningfeather

    resisting to walk, happy lying down Pyncheon pullet

    Sorry you didn't get a reply. Not sure why your chicken would refuse to walk or stand either? Sometimes if I don't have an answer I don't reply because I can't help. I would like to know what was wrong and if you were able to correct the problem though.
  5. Shiningfeather

    JANUARY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Good luck to you to Bock_Bock
  6. Shiningfeather

    JANUARY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I have 6 FBCM that I put in on the 3rd so I am with you also. I also bought two FBCM chicks to go with my baby that hatched New Years Day. Wouldn't stop screaming it fool head off! Now it is so quiet I have to check the brooder on a very regular basis to make sure all is well!
  7. Shiningfeather

    Ameracauna production?

    I don't have any true Ameracaunas but I do have about 15 EEs and most of them have been laying all winter. It has been very cold, wet and windy here since Nov. and they have only gave me a few days of lower production. I am very happy with them and want to a true Ameracaunas in the spring.
  8. Shiningfeather

    Hen tiliting to one side; found lying on back

    You can do a search here for wry neck, there are many posts on this issue. I have had two Silkies that I have nursed through it. You will need Poly-Visol without iron, vitamin E (full spectrum is what I used), and B-12. I gave them twice a day. I got all of them at the drug store. Run a search...
  9. Shiningfeather

    Lost all my Orpingtons

    I am so sorry to hear of you loss.
  10. Shiningfeather

    How did this happen?

    Quote: I think if you went shopping and got you a rifle she would be ok with that when you hand her the incubator for the eggs she is going to want to hatch. Tell her you got the rifle to protect her precious babies.
  11. Shiningfeather

    CONTEST: 50,000 BYC Members? Guess Right & Win $20 Gift Cert or GFM

    BYC will have 50,000 members on 4/20/2010
  12. Shiningfeather

    DuMans breed of poultry?

    Your welcome. Please let me now if it helped at all. The birds did have a very upright stature.
  13. Shiningfeather

    DuMans breed of poultry?

    Please check your PMs
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