Recent content by Showjumperstar

  1. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I just decided to share my Khaki kiddos. From left to right Runt, Petrie, Hershey, Skittles. They love playing in mud. The hole in the background was made by these guys "snorkling" in the mud.
  2. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    No prob. Yeah ours have a light sand tint to them, but when I compare them to the two white eggs we get, there is quite a difference.
  3. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Here's a couple comparison shots for you. My one duck (of three but two are not laying yet) has been laying for about a month and I think this is how big they're going to get. The duck egg(s) are the white ones
  4. Showjumperstar

    California - Northern

    Whoo Tehama County! If you're still looking, there are sometimes roosters at The Loft/Reynold's Ranch in Red Bluff. But there are also awesome people on here, so there are lots of options! Best of luck!
  5. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I have a Runt! She was this little thing when I got her, and then there was one of the guys. She looked sickly but she pulled through. This was early March. In early May I bought two girls and they're still larger than Runt (Hershey and Skittles). So Runt keeps her name. On the flip side, she...
  6. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I have one drake and 3 ducks and they get along just fine. I did have 3 and 3, but two of the drakes were becoming alphas and starting to pick on the girls so I rehomed the two alpha drakes. I just saw a video of them playing in their big new pond so I know they're happy and hopefully things...
  7. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Looks like Runt was busy the last few days! We found them in the ducks' kiddie pool. I think it's only a matter of time before the chickens lay too. Two of the ducks are not old enough, and we probably won't see anything until September. Anyway, yay, eggs!
  8. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    The head turn, I love it!
  9. Showjumperstar

    California - Northern

    Something that I found to be quite useful is taking gallon milk jugs and filling them about 3/4ths with water and freezing them. Then I put them in the shade of the coop, inside the coop, and then one other one in another shady spot so the birdies have places to go. I also freeze food in ice...
  10. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    They are beautiful! I love the names :D
  11. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Did some culinary stuff for the birdies. Two ice trays with food mush, then three bowls that are food and zucchini. After I took the picture I added some more water to the top two as those soaked up really fast. Now they're in the freezer. I also have milk jugs frozen and are in both coops so...
  12. Showjumperstar

    California - Northern

    Did some culinary stuff for the birdies. Two ice trays with food mush, then three bowls that are food and zucchini. After I took the picture I added some more water to the top two as those soaked up really fast. Now they're in the freezer. I also have milk jugs frozen and are in both coops so...
  13. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Thanks! We caught him and I felt him over. He was actually walking a lot better on it in the few hours difference. He wasn't reacting to any of my tests (pressure, movement, kinda stuff I do with my horses but in Duck form xD). He wasn't too impressed with being held, but he calmed down after a...
  14. Showjumperstar

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    Well of my drakes has a hurt leg. I don't have any help right now at home so I can't do a real examination of him until someone gets home to help me. It's his left foot/leg. I'm not sure if he sprained it, strained it, broke something. He's weight bearing when he has to (ie...running...
  15. Showjumperstar

    California - Northern

    Bedtime for the birds!
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