Recent content by SilkieSplash

  1. SilkieSplash

    Broiler chicks

    Yes they are, currently I have them in the house with a lamp
  2. SilkieSplash

    Broiler chicks

    Good day I have broiler chicks and would like to know what is the best way to ensure that the temperature stays right for them without spending too much money?
  3. SilkieSplash

    Silkie hen laying eggs but not broody

    I will definitely try that thank you very much
  4. SilkieSplash

    Silkie hen laying eggs but not broody

    I do feed her all sorts of health foods suitable for her, my husband build me a cage of approximately 1m x 2.5 m and I do give her fresh water every day and mielies with the layers feed for our local animal food store (Alzu) I would say about 200g every morning. She is 10 months old and she’s a...
  5. SilkieSplash

    Silkie hen laying eggs but not broody

    Hi all BYC 🐣 I have 4 hens and 2 roosters ( all of them are Silkies) my ons hen will be one in March and my rooster (her man) is over a year. She is laying eggs but doesn’t sit on them and each day she eats one egg after she lays another egg. I feed her scramble eggs , apple , bananas, cheese ...
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