Recent content by Slucente18

  1. Slucente18

    Help! Miami, FL chicken ordinance?

    Hi, I am in Miami, FL and on the munilibrary it states you need a permit for poultry. Now in the zoning regulations it states you cannot raise poultry no where does it say you can't keep poultry, and then somewhere else on the miamidade website it says you can have up to 15 hens. I had hens...
  2. Slucente18

    Eye injury

    Hi what can I do for eye injury? I'm pretty sure this was a matter of establishing pecking order.
  3. Slucente18


    Yes I checked and so far everyone in the flock is in the clear. No rooster unfortunately not allowed in my area. Im really confused as to what it can be. I have another girl who's feathers have started to look like this but not quite as severe. At first I thought it was maybe the heat. I live...
  4. Slucente18


    Hi all! I was wondering if you could help me. My hens feathers are looking a hot mess... any one know what may be causing this? Shes been like this for a few weeks and its progressively getting worse. It started at her tail feathers and is moving up.
  5. Slucente18

    Pullet or cockerel?

    I'm assuming between 12 and 14 weeks... My sister found it at our local McDonald's roaming around with no mother or siblings. I got 3 other ISAs for company and they are significantly bigger with bigger and redder combs. There is a honking that s/he started to make but one of my ISAs is also...
  6. Slucente18

    Pullet or cockerel?

    Hi everyone! I would like to know gender and breed please? I'm so confused. Im not good and guessing gender.
  7. Slucente18

    New to injuries dont know what to do

    My curious baby managed to escape the brooder and I have it in the run and my other hens attacked her. What do I do? I just got a cotton pad and rinsed with water. I have one darn pullet who likes to get on top of the others and peck their heads 🙄
  8. Slucente18

    Please tell me this isnt a cockerel!

    Any guesses on what breed(s) this baby may be?
  9. Slucente18

    Please tell me this isnt a cockerel!

    Thanks everyone! We've all become pretty attached since he/she was skinny and weak when we rescued him/her. We purchased more chics at a feed store just so it wouldn't grow up alone lol.. I have the brooder box in th run with my OGs. Hoping integrating them won't be a headache
  10. Slucente18

    Please tell me this isnt a cockerel!

    Help... found this baby a few weeks back at a local McDonald's and it seems to be a roo.. super sweet baby when all my girls free range he follows them around I really want to keep him but my neighbor complained about my last roo and threatened to report that I had a backyard flock... 🙈 Also I...
  11. Slucente18

    What is this?

    So long story short my sister found a chick by our local McDonald's and she brought me the chick to take care of as she travels alot for work. Baby was skinny and frail a few days ago very low energy and no desire to eat. He/she now full of energy and very cuddly and very loud! Eating and...
  12. Slucente18

    Too early to tell?

    Right! No other hen or chicks around we both went back to the McDonald's and looked EVERYWHERE! We asked the employees and no one has seen anything apparently. I have the baby with me set her up in the brooder with some heat and starter medicated feed and some sugar water. I currently have...
  13. Slucente18

    Too early to tell?

    Yeah I figured it was but I was hoping for a magical answer or something. I cant have roos where I live and its so hard not to get attached. 😢
  14. Slucente18

    Too early to tell?

    Hi! Was hoping someone could share some insight as to whether this is a male or female? My sister found this baby at our local McDonald's and no mama or siblings around. Im guessing the chick is about a week old but I have no idea. Thanks 😊
  15. Slucente18

    Found baby Chick

    I had a broody hen a couple weeks ago but I broke her broodiness because she was sitting on imaginary eggs and I dont have a rooster so poor baby cant be a mom Im definitely going to get more chicks!
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