Recent content by sneakytoes02

  1. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    Some of them did get a fair bit as it got very cold here this winter, they are leg horns, but even so, their combs seemed realy big to me as well. The frostbite parts have started to slough off the ones that got it. Some didn't get any frostbite. I'm thinking the ones that got it must have...
  2. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    So it's been a while, and spring seems to be here finally. Still some patches of snow, but only -1C overnight. Hopefully the last frost so planting can start this week. Anyway my girls have started venturing out into the run, and their feathers are starting to look fab. We lost a couple more due...
  3. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    I will try switching them from a red light to a white one, and see if that helps. I started with red, because I was worried about them feather pecking each other, as they were not used to being all together, and their poor feathers were such a mess. Thanks.
  4. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    No Mites, and their feathers are starting to grow back really nice now its been a few weeks. I will post updated pics soon, the snow has started melting, so I was hoping to catch one or two outside, they keep looking, and then backing back inside.
  5. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    Update on my girls. I have lost 3 of 24, they were healthy as far as sickness goes, but just couldn't make the change. Vet said that happens quite often. He's seen as many as 1 in 3 not make it after rescue. I am very sad though, they seemed to be doing so well. On a brighter note of the 21...
  6. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    It is . Put it at 14 just to be sure.
  7. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    Well here are a couple pics from how the girls are looking today. We are 2 weeks in now, and it could just be wishful thinking, but they seem to be looking a little better. Their butts are still pretty bare, but I think they may be a bit more feathery. There were a couple using the dust bath...
  8. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    I didn't think of the snow either when building our run, but I did put the door about 14" up of the ground as I hoped this would help keep fox from digging in, and birds from escaping when I opened the door. Got lucky that it worked out for winter as well.
  9. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    Yes, rescue birds never been outside of a cage before I brought them home.
  10. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    We get snow here from about October through to April. Usually a dry powdery snow that blows right back to where you shoveled it from. Lol. Some days it seems futile to even bother, but we always do.
  11. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    I made some upgrades to my coop today based on some reading up both in the comments, and on a page I found specific to rescued battery birds. I will post some pics tomorrow, as I forgot today. I was to busy bothering my girls with the reno's, and crooning to them like an idiot. They seemed to...
  12. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    Good idea. We don't have that much snow, but I will give shoveling a try. And put down some straw.
  13. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    Here is a pic of some of my girls the day they arrived. We still have snow on the ground, but it was plus 2. I don't think they had ever touched the ground before. The poor girls are so terrible looking with their bear bums, and scruffy feathers.
  14. sneakytoes02

    New Flock isn't laying or roosting - please help

    So I am new to chickens. Just got my flock of 24 about 2 weeks ago. I looked at them when I picked them up, and thought those poor scraggly suckers! I almost didn't take them, but they were living in little boxes 24-7 and I felt sorry for them. I brought them home and released them into the...
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