Recent content by soccerbabiesmama

  1. soccerbabiesmama

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2 out of 6. The girls are slackin!!
  2. soccerbabiesmama

    Please lay, please lay!

    Patience is sooooo hard with a backyard flock. We had to wait for 8 months before our BCM's started to lay. Some girls are just so slow to get things moving. You'll be doing the egg dance soon!
  3. soccerbabiesmama

    Soccerbabiesmamas Member Page

    We have 4 black australorp mix hens. The free range in a tractor and are also free loaders. These hens are 6 onths old and will just not lay an egg! I am obsessed with checking on my hens. I rake poop, compost bedding, feed them kitchen scraps and have discovered that urban small holding is...
  4. soccerbabiesmama

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    0/5 eggs! But one chicken was busted pecking feathers out of the bottom of my best layer (who bled profusely). Hopefully the blue-kote will help!
  5. soccerbabiesmama

    33 week old buffs not laying~

    Any eggs yet? One of my 8 months old Marans just finally gave me an egg! Of 5 hens, we get 2-3 eggs a day? Keep me posted:)
  6. soccerbabiesmama

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Quote: I have a couple 7 month non-laying marans that are looking pretty tasty too!! LOL!
  7. soccerbabiesmama

    Missing feathers - but why? No rooster!

    Will do! Thanks so much for all of the advice! I was worried for a minute:) Now, if only I could get my 7 months old marans to lay!
  8. soccerbabiesmama

    Missing feathers - but why? No rooster!

    Do I have anything to worry about? Should I buy a saddle to try and stop it or get some blue kote? Anyway to entertain a couple picky hens?
  9. soccerbabiesmama

    Missing feathers - but why? No rooster!

    We purchased 2 layers from a very clean farm a couple weeks ago that were housed with a couple of roos. They were missing feathers above their tails, like you would see from birds who've been with a roo. We quarantined them, they seemed fine. A week after they were introduced to our 3 hens...
  10. soccerbabiesmama

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2 of 5 today. If my BCm's don't start laying soon (7 months old) they're going to end up being paired with dumplings!
  11. soccerbabiesmama

    Bloody egg?

    That's great news. And very reassuring that if this ever happens to another one of mine that they could pull through!!! YEAH for your girl!!!
  12. soccerbabiesmama

    Signs of laying

    This is going to sound super gross I know. But when one of my new hens is about to lay, she has a golf ball sized poop. Sure enough, within a day or two, we get an egg.
  13. soccerbabiesmama

    5 hens in 1/4 acre pen--how is the grass going to look? *update!*

    I had a feeling that it would turn out! Looks great. Beautiful birds:)
  14. soccerbabiesmama

    What a beautiful surprise!

    Yeah!!! It's a beautiful Tiffany blue egg! Congrats!
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