Recent content by SonjaS

  1. SonjaS

    Swollen abdomen, soft. Not laying eggs.

    This is a new thing....maybe 2 or 3 days...I think fat would sneak up on you slowly.
  2. SonjaS

    Sugar, 10 years old

    This is sweet Sugar She is one of the chicks in my profile picture when I joined BYC ten years ago. Where does the time go?
  3. SonjaS

    Swollen abdomen, soft. Not laying eggs.

    Thank you very much. I will look up both of those.
  4. SonjaS

    Swollen abdomen, soft. Not laying eggs.

    Audrey is 7 or 8 years old and has a soft swollen abdomen. She sits in the nest box for the normal time and then goes about her business as usual but no egg has come. She seems perfectly fine otherwise. No pasty butt and poop seems normal (see pic) Free range, acts normal during the day, perches...
  5. SonjaS

    Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

    What´s going on??? The chickens are sleeping in the dog bed and the dog is on the table trying to crow.
  6. SonjaS

    Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

    Choosy chickens prefer the bean bag pet bed.
  7. SonjaS

    Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

    Afternoon nap. One peeking out from each side.
  8. SonjaS

    Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

    Mine are big and they still love me!!!!!
  9. SonjaS

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    Works great for catching mice too.
  10. SonjaS

    Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

    Mama takes the babies out for the first time at five days old. They were introduced to the rest of the flock, three other hens and two roosters, without incident. The roosters had each been invited into her nest when the chicks were two days old but the hens were only allowed to peek in the door...
  11. SonjaS

    What time do chickens lay eggs??

    We have a plastic little dog house for our chickens. Up high beside a window so you can peek in if you like. Rooster ¨Motsy¨ (who got kicked out of the coop) sleeps there at night and eggs get left there during the day.
  12. SonjaS

    Sick 2 day old chick

    Thanks, She is eating a bit and drinking still and had a poop and is looking a little improved. The antibiotics are a wide spectrum type that the veterinario suggested. It seems not to be doing any harm. What do you think...stick with it for now? Is honey ok for chicks or is sugar water better...
  13. SonjaS

    What is that thing on my chickens back/butt ?????? -pictures-

    You might be looking at the oil gland. The oil from it is used for preening the feathers.
  14. SonjaS

    Sick 2 day old chick

    She was eating and drinking well yesterday and looked wobbly but chipper. Today she accepts fluids well but is not interested in chick starter and looks sad and sleepy. She has taken water with antibiotics and electrolyte solution. Can anyone make any suggestions?? It would be much appreciated...
  15. Mini on police patrol making sure nobody does anything wrong

    Mini on police patrol making sure nobody does anything wrong

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