Recent content by Spydrworks

  1. Spydrworks

    Finally got new chicken today, but...

    Thanks. I will still write a letter to the BBB. They do have a symbol on their site so they are probably members and I will give them my two cents worth about this. How does your bird and anyone else's bird with a clipped beak compare to this one? Mine has a permanent hole to her mouth and...
  2. Spydrworks

    Finally got new chicken today, but...

    Quote: I'm sure they are with their thumbs. They can grab with a set of hands...literally. But it was such a treat to see them and so funny the way they search through the water for fish. Reminds me of blind men looking for their At least now I know what critters are in...
  3. Spydrworks

    Finally got new chicken today, but...

    Luck just turned for the best I did find her...YEAH!! But she was not walking around or tucked under a bush. She was HIGH UP IN A TREE!! looking like a retarded crow. This is super chicken here...LOL. She had to have flown up into it too. There are no low branches she could have hopped...
  4. Spydrworks

    Finally got new chicken today, but...

    Thats' what they are calling a "trim"??? Oh geese. It may not matter now anyway. She got out of the yard...and it's a five foot fence. I layed down about 7pm after checking up on the girls. Looked out there at 9pm to see if Chickie had allowed her in the doghouse and there's Chickie, but no...
  5. Spydrworks

    OK Eggsperts...this one's for you...

    I figured it out...LOL...peel them while they are still hot (under cold water of course to keep your hands from burning). I tap the egg all around on the side of the sink and then start taking off the shell starting at the tip. It doesn't come off in one piece, but I haven't torn an egg yet...
  6. Spydrworks

    Finally got new chicken today, but...

    Do you mind saying where she came from? There's only a few hatcheries I know of that sell started pullets to ship. I guess I'm too new to chickens to know why the bleep they would clip a chicken's beak in the first place. Why on earth would this be done? I don't understand...
  7. Spydrworks

    Finally got new chicken today, but...

    I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mad at the hatchery. OMG. I ordered this bird back in March for an early July delivery (I ordered a started pullet...a black star to accompany Chickie who is a red star). When I was supposed to get her in July, the hatchery told me there was a mistake...
  8. Spydrworks

    I am Freaking Out!!!!

    JFYI...opposums are not rodents. They are marcupials and the only one in North America. The naked tail doesn't help along with a rat like face, but still doesn't make them a rodent. A rodent is a rodent if it has rodent teeth like rabbits, squirrels, rats and mice. Opposums have regular...
  9. Spydrworks

    For those curious about snakes...

    Quote: Yeah...just don't get distracted...LOL...
  10. Spydrworks

    For those curious about snakes...

    You're lucky. Working at vets I use to see dogs come in all the time with their faces poofed out from tangoing with rattlers. Most survive treatment and recover well...and sometimes they end up coming back to the vet because they just didn't learn the first time to keep their nose out of a...
  11. Spydrworks

    Bobcat caught& killed!- warning graphic pics

    Quote: So you plan on killing everything that comes around without knowing if they are the culprit instead of taking the time to better protect the chickens? No offense, but that's what this post is appearing to state and that is irresponsible. It's senseless killing. All you are doing is...
  12. Spydrworks


    Not really. It's just a dingy flap. If Chickie can get out, the opposum can get in if it gets curious enough to wander over. I think the chicken would be able to scare it off though, but never know...the critter could be one of the bolder ones making a big try and Chickie could be in a stupor...
  13. Spydrworks

    Will a hawk still try to take a full grown RIR or BR?

    I am so grateful to the crows around here. They keep the resident hawk away from Chickie. Of course not intentional. They just happen to nest
  14. Spydrworks


    and BTW...a chicken will most likely kill the snake given a chance.
  15. Spydrworks

    snake Here's some information about snakes. Before people go off killing snakes randomly, think about what you're thinking of doing. Snakes are more beneficial than they are harmful by keeping rodents away that carry disease and...
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