Recent content by sscaria

  1. sscaria

    AFRICAN DWARF FROG something’s wrong with them???

    on friday i set up a brand new 20 gallon tank, let it sit with water conditioner. set up a water filter and tank heater (80° F) with thermometer. Saturday i bought three molly fish, three ghost shrimp, three algae eaters and three ADF (african dwarf frog). i set up gravel, some live plants and...
  2. sscaria

    Betta fish questions!

    Hey! I checked out the website; It's a great website, but it also says that pretty much all the shrimp can't live with bettas; I don't think this is true considering that 1. they are docile creatures without any sort of flaring fins or design that could trigger a beta (like a fancy guppy; their...
  3. sscaria

    Betta fish questions!

    Thank you so much! Here was my plan for the tank: 1 male betta/2 female bettas depending on availability 3 African dwarf frogs (2 female, 1 male) 3 ghost shrimp Maybe those Zebra danios you were mentioning. Would the frogs be too much? If not, how should I feed my ADF's? I know they need...
  4. sscaria

    Betta fish questions!

    Hey everyone! I'm saving up for a 10-gallon tank as well as live plants and gravel. I'm planning on putting shrimp and betta fish in there. Is it fine if I put two female bettas together? I know that a ten-gallon tank is enough space, I'm just wondering if two is too little of an amount; just...
  5. sscaria

    Help me find out this chick's gender!!

    thank you so much! i really hope it is :)
  6. sscaria

    Please help I really need help what should I do my little chicks foot is bleeding please help!!!!!!!!

    it's definitely nothing bad. In fact, it'd probably be fine to leave it as is, but of course, you should do something for her. Just clean the area with water, and apply some antibiotic ointment!! the cut isn't bad at all, probably just scratched herself somewhere. no need for a bandage.
  7. sscaria

    Help! Ants in my incubator!

    what i would do is clean out the incubator and relocate the plant. place some food and water near that plant so thats the focus for the ants.
  8. sscaria

    Dust Bath for Chicks?

    i think you can add in a small space with a dish of sand or dirt for them to dirt dance- it's good for them!!
  9. sscaria

    2 week old chick diarrhea

    unfortunately, you cannot upload videos onto BYC. one way to do so, though, is to post the video on youtube and attach the link. or you can upload the video to google drive, make the file available to anyone with a link, and then share the link with us(If doing this method, use a personal email...
  10. sscaria

    2 week old chick diarrhea

    i may not be much help, but here are some questions whose answers will benefit other users to help out. 1. what water do you give them/is the water you give electrolyte water? 2. what food do you give them? 3. what do they live in? 4. do you have pictures of that chick's stool? 5. are the other...
  11. sscaria

    Help me find out this chick's gender!!

    thank you so much! I will definitely keep an eye out for that. Have a great day as well!
  12. sscaria

    Help me find out this chick's gender!!

    thanks! I hope she's a hen :)
  13. sscaria

    Help me find out this chick's gender!!

    Thanks! That makes much more sense now; I never knew that! Ok, that sounds good. Thank you so much for your help! It's been extremely helpful.
  14. sscaria

    Help me find out this chick's gender!!

    Are you sure? The woman at tractor supply told me it was an Americano, and there weren't any easter eggers being sold there. I actually have no clue about the differences, so you could be totally right!! Just curious! Do Americans not have those little muffs? Also, how can I tell the difference...
  15. sscaria

    Help! My Male Duck mated with my Female Chicken!!

    are you sure the duck even mated with the chicken? i doubt a duck's gentials could do that much damage... maybe the ducks pecked at her, but even then ducks dont that sharp beaks, so it's not like they could tear up the area. Also, I used to have ducks along with chickens as well; the ducks were...
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