Recent content by stargazingmommy

  1. stargazingmommy

    slipped tendon or?

    Tyson didn't make it. He did ok with the surgery and seemed to be doing ok, but yesterday morning he was dead when they got up. It was exactly one year and one day since he showed up at their house, but it was a year of being loved and cared for
  2. stargazingmommy

    slipped tendon or?

    Thanks ero all the comments and ideas. After a ton of phone calls they were able to find a vet willing to see him. Turns out the poor guys leg was broken. Surgery was scheduled and some so stoP. Once the vet was in there he realized it was to damaged:/ for repair so he q Aquarium. The vet said...
  3. stargazingmommy

    slipped tendon or?

    Honestly I don't know, it's a friend Bird and I'm across the country. Would it be advisable to splint it and go from there?
  4. stargazingmommy

    slipped tendon or?

    Meet Tyson. Tyson is a lone poultry type resident in his home. He adopted his family when hi showed up out of nowhere. He seemed perfectly fine for many months. Out of the blue he developed what looks like a slipped tendon. My Google super powers are broken, I can find nothing on slipped tendon...
  5. stargazingmommy

    mallow weed

    That makes me feel a little better, mine haven't died yet, or even been sick, so at this point I'm calling it safe.
  6. stargazingmommy

    the witless wonders strike again...won't use the roost

    Well, until today they have been sleeping in the run on the ground. They each dug a little nest in the straw and sleep in those. Today though...we will see. I have all the chickens confined to the duck pen and garden. The ducks are free ranging. Im debating on sticking them in the pen or just...
  7. stargazingmommy

    chickens drinking poooooopy water

    Just call it flavored water
  8. stargazingmommy

    mallow weed

    My birds free range. As a result my yard is very well fertilized, and mallow has taken over. Like whoa bad. Mow and a week later its almost waist high. My chickens and ducks get lost in it, they have discovered its great to hide nests in, i discovered stepping on eggs isnt so great. I also...
  9. stargazingmommy

    found her secret stash

    Ok, i gave them to a young man across the street. Told him when he uses them to crack them in a seperate bowl and smell them and they might not be good. He came oveer when hubby and i were on the porch discussing them and offered to try them lol. I frequently give him extras, even with only two...
  10. stargazingmommy

    found her secret stash

    Nope not a bit broody.
  11. stargazingmommy

    found her secret stash

    They are no older than 8 days. Today husband and i fixed the garden fence to make it chicken resistant, they are moving in there tomorrow so it will be easier to keep track. We did 2 months locked in the coop with no eggs in the nest box from her(the other laid in there and the duck did at...
  12. stargazingmommy

    found her secret stash

    My BO lays daily. Never missed a day since she started. A week ago i checked her nest, which she has moved 3 times, all to places easily found. So i assumed she stopped for some reason, maybe a molt starting, or she was planning on going broody, but a week of no eggs and nothing. Well, today...
  13. stargazingmommy

    reason 1 not to get a white duck

    or how they suck in water realllll fast and spit it out through the sides of their bills. yeah yeah yeah..I love my dirty little ducks...AND added bonus...the male ducks chases things, the 2 original hens he ignores, the 2 babies, well, he sees them as he chases them...he's...
  14. stargazingmommy

    the witless wonders strike again...won't use the roost

    Nope she's not. Once I put them up there they stay for the night, is just convincing them to get up there on their own. Yup they are eating just fine now.
  15. stargazingmommy

    reassure me please(chicken sitting on a duck egg)

    Oh how sweet. We are prepared to take it in the house if she rejects it, though I hope she doesn't. Unfortunately we likely won't be able to keep it, we are already over our animal limit(statutes say 3 small animals, and they include poultry cats and dogs, we have 11 total). Thank you for the...
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