Recent content by stormylady

  1. stormylady

    Are my chickens feet dead? Are they going to fall off? Leg mites the cause?

    Thankyou Speckled hills! Yes my MIni is a sweetheart! She's an Original member of my very first flock, she loves people , being held, and petted and talked too. She's getting old for an laying hen but I hope that I will have her around for a long time yet. Thanks again ! Did we...
  2. stormylady


  3. stormylady

    Are my chickens feet dead? Are they going to fall off? Leg mites the cause?

    I have a hen that is 5 yrs old (Black Sexlink) she lost both her feet this year, she is getting around fine, the other girls were picking with her for a while but she has learned to avoid the girls that are most aggressive with her, She doesn't act in pain at all, And she gets around fine her...
  4. stormylady

    Question about letting Momma do her own thing raising chicks,

    Thankyou CA Jersey chick, I understand what your saying, I put the open dog crate in the big coop *chicken house) just so that they didn't have to try and climb up into the nesting boxes the crate is totally open so that they, Momma and chick can come in and go out at will so there is no...
  5. stormylady

    Question about letting Momma do her own thing raising chicks,

    I have had chickens for several years now and have raised babies but this is the first time I have let my girls hatch their own in the big coop. IN the past I have always separated out the broodies but I didn't this time and went out this morning and found Lady bird (Oprington/Cochin ) mix a 4...
  6. stormylady

    is this stealing? should i put free range hen into my coop?

    Wow they do have long legs! And very pretty I just noticed the girl next to him , looks like he's keeping a close lookout for her.
  7. stormylady


    Hi again! I will absolutely post a pic of Indi as soon as I can! the pens wet and all muddy right now and I can't get in to get him but as soon as it dries out abit I will! I really apprieate your help with him! Sandy
  8. stormylady


    Hi! Sevenbabychicks ! and thankyou! Its not a glare he does have a golden ring around his neck it is way brighter now then it was when he was six months old they look pointy but when you pick them up and look they are more rounded , he only had a very few flecks then. He may have gotten the...
  9. stormylady

    is this stealing? should i put free range hen into my coop?

    YEAH!!! I'm so glad that it turned out that way!!
  10. stormylady


    Welcome Christina!!!!! Your boys are beautiful! You'll find alot of knowledgable people here to help you !!
  11. stormylady

    Do Young Roosters squat like the pullets do ?

    I don't at the moment I will get one when the pens dry out a bit and post it for you to take a look, its been real rainy the last couple of days but should be dry tomarrow or the next day. Thanks for the reply ...
  12. stormylady


    I still am not 100% sure with Indi, I still Kinda believe he is a boy, though hes about 9 months old and hasn't crowed one time yet! The other Roosters don't mind him being around the girls at all , infact Indi changed his own residence LOL he moved his/her self in with the big chickens just...
  13. stormylady

    Do Young Roosters squat like the pullets do ?

    Silly Question I know, but I have( 5) 6 month old Speckled Sussex Roosters None Crow at all and they just started using there grown up voices ,well pretty sure I do (at least they were sexed as males ), all of them are as sweet as they can be, however one of the boys has just started squatting...
  14. stormylady

    is this stealing? should i put free range hen into my coop?

    I understand where your coming from, but it would still be stealing unless you got the owners of the chicken to agree to let you take the hen and let her have her chicks in your coop. One question though, Did the renters even try and talk to the owners or did they call you first off? What...
  15. stormylady

    Heat and chickens - how to manage?

    Thats a great idea about putting the frozen bottles of water in the waterers! Thanks
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