
My name is Ashley, and as my username says, I'm striving for better for my family. I have the best fiance and 2 beautiful little girls! Currently, we live on 2 acres (eventually we will buy more land), and I really want to be a homesteader. I love gardening and animals (it's where I find my peace), and just recently found my passion for feather babies. I really want to get a fantastic flock of various Orpingtons, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Sizzles, Cayugas, and Khaki Campbells. I would like to earn income off of selling chicks, fresh eggs, fresh crops, homemade goods (etc.), so I'm slowly but surely building a dream from the ground up.
November 11
Real Name
Why do you want to join our community?
I am starting a homestead and would like to learn from others who have experience with poultry.


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot... Nothing's going to get better. It's not."


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    Anniversary: 1 Week

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