Recent content by Stuwe

  1. Stuwe

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi everyone! All’s well on the chicken front over here. Everyone is in a molt right now but here’s my sweet babes when they didn’t look so goofy :)
  2. Stuwe

    Hen Spur - does it need a trim?

    currently googling how to do such a thing. Thank you.
  3. Stuwe

    Hen Spur - does it need a trim?

    Hey all, My hen has one random spur and it’s getting long. Should i be concerned? I can trim it if need be - I don’t want her to harm herself and end up with bumble foot. Any advice appreciated. Thx.
  4. Stuwe

    Puffed up 3yr old

    And now ive got an aggression issue with my chicks - oh the drama!
  5. Stuwe

    Puffed up 3yr old

    She is still poofy but is also still eating and drinking like normal. Did the corid and deworming 🤷🏼‍♀️ - wondering if she’s just cold? She seems to move around more when the sun gets going, but our nights are still in the 20s...
  6. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    That’s my gut feeling. She’s just slow. Still eating/drinking/pooing... I’m thinking she’s just worn out...
  7. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    She just molted... about a month ago. I wish that was all it was :(
  8. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    We’ll just play it by ear at this point. I’m doing what I can do. These things happen and i am trying to stay calm and be rational. We’ve just had a rough spring (lost 2 chicks a couple weeks back) and now this. Plus Hope (my molting bird) loves to lose every darn feather in a matter of days -...
  9. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    oh - thank you so much! (I don't think it's coccidiosis either) I will put in an order immediately.
  10. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    I am feeling her crop in the morning and evening. It is empty every morning and full every night. I got some Corid and a de-wormer. I have one girl that is molting, will these meds be too hard on her system?
  11. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    it's been about 9 months since her last egg. she's not straining and pooping normal. she's still eating and drinking, but not much.
  12. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    here's a question - I went and got some Corid and a de-wormer (just in case). One of my gals is molting right now. Will the Corid be too hard on her system? I don't want to make her sick by making sure she doesn't get sick, you know?
  13. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    Putting all my effort into it. Getting meds within the hour. Hoping for a miracle.
  14. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    I know how you feel. We lost 2 chicks this year and it was utterly devastating. Thought I was tougher, guess not...
  15. Stuwe

    Dying of old age?

    See original post - her crop feels fine. Her vent is not obstructed. No mites. The only symptom she seems to display is being puffed up and sleepy. She still eats and drinks and as of this morning her poo is normal. I just don't know if I am worrying to worry, you know?
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