Recent content by Suburban chick farmer 09

  1. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Putting Faces With Names (Submit Your Mug Here!)

    Here we are ten years later Can’t find a pic of my son. He hates his picture being taken
  2. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Hello everyone My old coop that’s been posted here
  3. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Hello everyone

    Yeah, I’ve built a coop that’s on here in the medium sized coop page
  4. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Hello everyone

    Haven’t had chickens in forever and now I find myself with 8 babies and no coop to put them in. Going to have to get busy on building a coop
  5. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Hello everyone

    I’m not new and was probably easy to forget but I’m back after I don’t remember how many years. Looking forward to refreshing my memory and learning new things after all these years
  6. Suburban Chick Farmer 09s Chicken Coop

    Suburban Chick Farmer 09s Chicken Coop

    The Suburban Hen House This all started when I came across a chicken coop while searching for green houses on another site. I google searched chicken coops, found this site, and with the help of all the enablers, have been hooked ever since. :) I started by building two 8'x8' 2x4 boxes...
  7. Suburban chick farmer 09

    I don't want to jinx myself but...........

    Congtats. You couldn't have picked a better first name.
  8. Suburban chick farmer 09

    calling any one from missouri

    FREE black laced red wyandotte rooster. PM if interested.
  9. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Rhode Island School Bans Toy Soldier Cap

    Quote: Maybe somebody should tell Washington, that the constitution is the constitution and making exceptions to it opens a whole can. Wouldn't school props for plays be an exception? How about references and pictures of guns and weapons in history books? If they are going to follow the rules...
  10. Suburban chick farmer 09

    A Father's Day pic!!!!!

    Quote: fixed.
  11. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Rhode Island School Bans Toy Soldier Cap

    A rule's a rule. If you start making exceptions to a rule it can open a whole new can of worms.
  12. Suburban chick farmer 09

    What is your fav NFL team?

    The St. Louis Lambs...I mean Rams.
  13. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Baby Timmy, 5lbs 5oz.

    Your family will be in our prayers.
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