Recent content by Summer98

  1. Summer98

    White diarrhea, ascites/fluid in bottom, dying

    Yes, she did pass. I have drained a chicken once before and a lot of fluid did drain out, but it eventually refilled again and the animal died. She was a nice Australorp.
  2. Summer98

    Best treatment for lice?

    I used the Garden & Poultry dust once before. I'm not sure if it worked, but I'm going to be using it on everyone soon. Gosh, I would hope it would at least reduce the population. They get to dust bathe outside all they want.
  3. Summer98

    Rooster's rear end is bright red

    This is a dark brahma rooster's rear end. It is very bright red and obviously looks inflamed or something. What is it? How can I treat it? I have two dark brahma's in this pen and they both have this a little bit, but this one is the worst.
  4. Summer98

    White diarrhea, ascites/fluid in bottom, dying

    Yeah, it feels like a squishy water balloon.
  5. Summer98

    White diarrhea, ascites/fluid in bottom, dying

    Black Australorp hen, 3 years old, presents with white diarrhea since yesterday, fluid build-up in lower body, weak, closing eyes. I don't feel an egg. The fluid is not in the front, it's on her rear, below the vent.
  6. Summer98

    Red Star died out of the blue, no idea what happened

    My favorite, young and healthy Red Star was found dead yesterday. I am very perplexed because she had no signs of illness. Is this just a Red Star thing (as in, this breed has a short life span or something)? I didn't feel any lumps. We couldn't do a necropsy this time because it's too cold...
  7. Summer98

    Very sick hen - Warning, Contains Very Nasty, Grapic Necropsy Pictures - Updated

    The lumpy mass is sliced in the photo. It was firm and not easy to cut through. It was one large, misshapen thing. It is sliced in half and then started a third cut on the right side. My husband thinks cancer?
  8. Summer98

    Very sick hen - Warning, Contains Very Nasty, Grapic Necropsy Pictures - Updated

    The "penguin" standing hen was slowly dying today, so we decided to end her suffering. The "lump" we felt floating around is white and firm. Here it is cut into sections. Any thoughts? We also awoke this morning to another dead hen (completely unexpected, as the penguin hen was the only...
  9. Summer98

    How much trouble is a single comb in winter?

    I'm in MN and even my pea comb chickens got frostbite. The wattles fell off. Single comb chickens the tips of the comb got frostbite. But it's colder here.
  10. Summer98

    Very sick hen - Warning, Contains Very Nasty, Grapic Necropsy Pictures - Updated

    Update: I found her laying on the floor on her side after work. She was not dead. I picked her up and looked at her. She is extremely emaciated, even though she eats and drinks a ton daily. Fluid is just starting to refill again. I stroked her for a while, which she enjoyed and seemed to...
  11. Summer98

    Very sick hen - Warning, Contains Very Nasty, Grapic Necropsy Pictures - Updated

    The fluid has not re-occurred since we drained her. However, she still walks around like a penguin, still roosts with the crew, and still eats and drinks a lot. With the fluid drained, I can really feel lumps now. Part of me thinks I feel an egg, but then I feel additional lumps of smaller...
  12. Summer98

    How long to keep new chicks in kennel before integration?

    So cool. Thanks for sharing. And so adorable. They grow up too fast.
  13. Summer98

    How long to keep new chicks in kennel before integration?

    How would it go if a mother hen hatched them in the coop to begin with? My broody hen hatched them elsewhere on the farm and that's why I had to slowly integrate them back into the original coop. But what if she had hatched them in the nest box to begin with?
  14. Summer98

    Very sick hen - Warning, Contains Very Nasty, Grapic Necropsy Pictures - Updated

    I used a 16g needle and aspirated about 20cc of fluid. Then we didn't even need to squeeze and fluid continued to drain out the hole for several minutes. She went right to the food and water again. Although it was great to empty the fluid out, I'm still not optimistic. I'm not sure what I'm...
  15. Summer98

    Very sick hen - Warning, Contains Very Nasty, Grapic Necropsy Pictures - Updated

    Same situation for me right now. Mine is not quite as lumpy as this one, but I feel lumps floating inside the fluid. She is also thin, but eating and drinking fine. I'm going to the store this morning to buy some needles and I'm going to try to aspirate the fluid out. Although I have a...
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