Recent content by summerb123

  1. summerb123

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

    Yeah no Stella and tank... :( I miss them a lot
  2. summerb123

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

    My Swedish flower babies
  3. summerb123

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

  4. summerb123

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

    Diesel is all grown now :bow
  5. summerb123

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

    But here are our newest additions Lola and Bonelli... on valentines Lola showed up and was pregnant so we took her in... as soon as I saw Bonelli I fell in love.... we still have diesel.... best dog ever... But sadly my other two tank and Stella got out and got hit by a car because they...
  6. summerb123

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

    I’ve been ehh I’ve had lots of up and downs lost over half my chicken and lost 2 of my dogs.., it’s been Hectic to say the least... what about y’all?
  7. summerb123

    in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

    Some of my favorite pictures I took
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