Recent content by sunetc

  1. sunetc

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    It’s funny I received this now! We stopped keeping chickens four years ago when the coop was in disrepair and I was drowning in responsibilities.. but April 1st brought home new chicks and I built a beautiful new coop for them 😁 we are so happy to be back into keeping chickens!
  2. sunetc

    Easter Egger club!

    I don't feel right in our case relocating fox. We will have to have a larger secure space than we presently have, I'm to blame for not getting them in sooner when the fox came around. They were free ranging essentially. Sigh, those days are over! Lady hasn't returned so I'm thinking...
  3. sunetc

    Prettiest egg contest ends December 31st

    These gorgeous eggs are from our late PBR, Tulip.. special girl.. always called her my country girl as she ate everything we threw at her! Always speckled light brown eggs. Always admired their natural beauty. My entry is in her memory! Plymouth Barred Rock Tulip 6/wk 10 mo.
  4. sunetc

    Easter Egger club!

    Hey all. Popping on to share about my EEs. Unfortunely a fox ran through our yard and chased the girls around.. my daughter exclaimed that she was hearing baulking over the Christmas music. Talk about a mood killer! Sure enough as soon as I stepped out dear Sunshine was waddle-rushing along(has...
  5. sunetc

    where did my hen GO?

    I have a missing hen, too. I scared off a fox that was chasing around the girls but one hen hasn't returned(though Foxy is still around looking for an easy meal) The not knowing really stinks. I read a story on here about a hen missing for over two weeks in winter then returned.. it's not...
  6. sunetc

    Hen attacked by dog, open wound help

    She has only started to lay last week or the week before. Her first egg was a tiny blue, the second even smaller, the third slightly misshapen, and from there normal and gradually getting larger. Allher feathers have grown back in though may not be fully in yet. She holds her tail down and has...
  7. sunetc

    The Indoor Chicken Thread!!!!!

    Chiming in... I've got some partially indoor hens! My daughter loves them and loves to share them with her little sister (who tries to share her lunch with them:lol:) the barred rock is her "special hen" she calls her.. and the blonde EE was attacked by a dog a month ago and we're very attached...
  8. sunetc

    Hen attacked by dog, open wound help

    Just wanted to update our Easter Egger Sunshine.. she's become our beloved hen after all the TLC and checks and attention.. we are five weeks post dog attack and she's healed up great. Feathers are growing in nicely and she's moving as though the attack never happened. She's wearing a shirt...
  9. sunetc

    Picture thread of my hens!

    You get beautiful pictures, John. Sorry for your loss :(sounds like she was an accomplished gal in the 7 years she had with you. Any what a stunning location you're in, wow. A chicken should be so lucky!
  10. sunetc

    Easter Egger club!

    My other girl, Lady. Still getting to know her but I love her coloring and those puffy little cheeks :love:love In the first picture, so funny, the leader Hatrick(RIR) rushed over to investigate my phone knowing she is entitled to anything I've got :rolleyes: Missed a few good shots of Lady...
  11. sunetc

    Easter Egger club!

    Honor is such a cutie. But I'm with Sirius, Tolkien's color is worth mentioning!
  12. sunetc

    Easter Egger club!

    I'm new to this but to me she looks feminine. Perhaps it's the eyeliner ;) she's a cutie.
  13. sunetc

    Sunshine getting reintegrated 1 week post dog attack

    Sunshine getting reintegrated 1 week post dog attack
  14. sunetc

    Easter Egger club!

    Been loving all the pictures of these beautiful birds! We have two EEs.. one is in our "hen hospital" from a dog bite (thread over at emergencies forum) and is getting TLC in our home. Especially from my daughter! This is Sunshine. It's been great getting to know her this week as we care for...
  15. sunetc

    Hen attacked by dog, open wound help

    Thank you all for your encouragement! I'm pleased with her progress. In fact she took us by surprise today.. Well, as of this morning she's housed in an open 3x3' box in the basement with the necessities. (My daughter loves this because she's right in her quiet reading area, where I store her...
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