Recent content by SunflowerDays

  1. SunflowerDays

    Broken bottom beak can’t eat!! Duck -

    Hello all, I am in a desperate situation. There is a wild mallard with a heavily broken beak. She also has a duckling, which is why I haven’t taken her to the vets or contacted the wildlife centre as I think catching both will be beyond impossible and extremely distressing. Plus I think they...
  2. SunflowerDays

    Yellow poop, lethargic, not eating! My 2yr old hen is poorly!

    Mary Lou is all ok! Complete recovery within 48hours. It looks as though she had the Coccidiosis however a very mild form and she must have been very strong that kept her alive. Her faeces was normal within 36 hours and she was eating within 48hours. Thank you. 😊
  3. SunflowerDays

    Yellow poop, lethargic, not eating! My 2yr old hen is poorly!

    Hello again Her faeces isn’t smelly. She seems a lot mire chirpy now. She has started eating I don’t know if she has laid an egg. I shall keep an eye on her, but I think she is improving greatly. Maybe a 24 hour bug? the apple cider vinegar may have helped? who knows! thank you for your help...
  4. SunflowerDays

    Yellow poop, lethargic, not eating! My 2yr old hen is poorly!

    Hello Azygous thank you for responding! I’ve attached a video of her, she’s made the night! Phew! She was alert and standing. Slightly docile and was keeping away from the other chickens. However, she had slept on an egg yoke and was allowing the others to eat it off even though it had gone...
  5. SunflowerDays

    Yellow poop, lethargic, not eating! My 2yr old hen is poorly!

    Hello all. My Mary-Lou is not herself. I found her breathing deeply in the coop during the day, through her mouth. I picked her up, which normally is a fight. She was limp. I syringed water into her but yellow discharge/mucus came out the other end straight away. In the evening, gave her more...
  6. SunflowerDays

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  7. SunflowerDays

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  8. SunflowerDays

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  9. SunflowerDays

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  10. SunflowerDays

    Lumps under duckling eyes

    Oh my goodness... this link is amazing! I really needed this when my chickens had Bumblefoot in lockdown. I couldn’t access any VET for medical assistance! I hope they deliver to the UK! I shall also purchase these for future use as it is very useful indeed. Many thanks Isaac 😊
  11. SunflowerDays

    Lumps under duckling eyes

    Oh my
  12. SunflowerDays

    Lumps under duckling eyes

    I agree, I shall ask the sanctuary to pick her up when they are here this week. (Another story - a Canada Goose with a dislocated leg) Thank you.
  13. SunflowerDays

    Lumps under duckling eyes

    I have not managed to handle the duckling. I have fed her twice a day without fail. She is still well. I have looked into why she has them. She is scratching herself and causing an infection. It comes and goes, but doesn’t seem to be bothered by it. I will keep an eye on her as I have quite...
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