Recent content by sunket77

  1. sunket77

    Free nankin roo good quality! Tx San Marcos

    I need to find a good home for our nankin rooster. He is 2 years old, rose comb. He is very tame and kind to hens, we have shown him many times and have used him in 4-h showmanship. We unfortunately don't have any nankin hens. We are in San Marcos Tx. Email [email protected] We also have a...
  2. sunket77

    worms? how to treat layers??

    what is safeguard? I haven't heard of it..... thanks!
  3. sunket77

    worms? how to treat layers??

    I think my flock may have worms, there are a few very skinny hens. I haven't been able to spend much time with them because of pregnancy complications and all my DH knows to do is feed them. The coop is in desperate need to be cleaned out and they have lice, I could tell for sure on that. : (...
  4. sunket77


    I am wondering if the sheriffs dept. is any clue as to how my animal control is....not long after I posted this one of my two close neighbors (not 3 acres between us) fired off about 8 shots from some sort of fire arm....small and quick sounding. I called the police to check it and when they...
  5. sunket77


    I think they actually think because of the dogs size that it can't hurt chickens, lets say it can't catch one....well my dog chickens don't run from my dog. They have gone and undone everything I worked so hard for!! I can let all my chickens out and she completely ignores them....but...
  6. sunket77


    I live pretty far out, if I called animal control it would take a while to get here (not to mention I am on the county line and they can't even tell me which county to call!) We have the same landlord but they have been warned before and there aren't any real consequences. I do live and Texas...
  7. sunket77


    I have had chickens for 3 years and in this three years have *hoped* longingly that our neighbors would just move! First it was their big dog they just could not keep in their yard....which led to a threat of shooting the dog if this continued. FINALLY they have seemed to manage the big one and...
  8. sunket77

    chronic resperatory disease?

    is there a way to test for this? I would be willing to take her to the vet for confirmation to know so I don't spread it. It would be pretty devistating to our kids to have a closed flock because they show chickens and work hard taking care of them.
  9. sunket77

    chronic resperatory disease?

    she doesn't have any of the other symptoms only the snotty nose and smell and this morning back to normal no snotty nose. This is very confusing to me, she has and has had clear eyes, no swelling and normal poop. I still laying and eating and drinking like normal.
  10. sunket77

    chronic resperatory disease?

    Hi everyone (fist I want to say I would post in the emergency and diseases section BUT I have never gotten many or any responses on there the several times I have tried....I would be lucky to get one) I have a 3 year old Lakenvelder hen who one day I noticed had a snotty nose, I picked her up...
  11. sunket77

    OEG??? please help!

    yeah I am treating him with adams and putting petrolium jelly on his legs, I have never dealt with scaley leg before I hope I can get it cleared up! I am not sure yet if I am going to keep him since we don't have any this breed but he is a nice boy and seems to be a good example of OEGB from...
  12. sunket77

    OEG??? please help!

    Hey everyone, A friend gave my son a rooster that she got from the local feed store, she thought he was a japanese, after getting a better look and thinking and comparing photos I don't think he is, I think he might be a black OEG bantam that has not been dubbed. I am really familiar with...
  13. sunket77

    Nankin Discussion Thread

    Looks like a black tail buff japanese to me.... her legs look a bit long for a jap but way to short for a nankin. I am almost positive that is a little japanese hen, my son raises them.
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