Recent content by Sylver Queen

  1. Sylver Queen

    Blue Jay Eating Eggs!

    The only opening is an automatic door, chicken-sized where they walk up a ramp and enter. There's a red light flashing constantly throughout day and night on the door. I even put a fake owl up on the gate. I've even stood there watching it enter my chicken house, asking it what it's doing. It...
  2. Sylver Queen

    Pullet wing ripped off but so far okay, any suggestions?

    I have an antibiotic I can give him, thank you! It always seems like chickens are studs when it comes to skin infections. I keep thinking she's going to get a staph infection with exposed bone like that but I feel like it works differently in birds since it's been about a month now with little...
  3. Sylver Queen

    Blue Jay Eating Eggs!

    I hope you found a solution to the wild bird problem! Last year a scrub jay attacked and nearly killed one of my chicks it managed to scare out of the pen, and I'm now losing up to four eggs a day to the jays Was hoping there was a way to teach the birds not to steal the eggs since they're...
  4. Sylver Queen

    Pullet wing ripped off but so far okay, any suggestions?

    I'm not sure if he'd take her in or not, but it looks like it did break off at the small wing joint, just not the one inside the skin. 🤦‍♀️ Sweet girl is so tough! Thank you for your response. :-)
  5. Sylver Queen

    Pullet wing ripped off but so far okay, any suggestions?

    Hello! Asking for a friend who is not on BYC. ;) At least 3 weeks ago now he moved his pullets from the garage to an outside chick run and discovered one chick had a bald side. After he investigated he discovered she had a bloody nub with about half an inch of bone exposed due to a night where...
  6. Sylver Queen

    Do Black Copper Marans get combs fast?

    Sure :) The one is obviously a boy, including behavior. I believe the rest are females and all have the combs of the chick in the first/upper pic. They just seem a little faster to develop than my other breeds but maybe it's just because they're bigger birds.
  7. Sylver Queen

    Do Black Copper Marans get combs fast?

    Darn it. 😅 I ordered six females. One failed to thrive and one is clearly developing a comb and wattles at four weeks that is beyond anyone else's. That's four left. But the ones I think are females are still developing combs faster than my other breeds. Thanks for the thread. ;)
  8. Sylver Queen

    Mama hen accidently stepping on chicks, yikes

    Update just for fun. Mama weaned her chicks at exactly 4 weeks old, pecking them away and not sleeping with them at night. But she had taught them so well that they roosted in the chicken house with all the big birds and were just fine. The very next day she laid an egg. Good job, Mama. 🥰 I...
  9. Sylver Queen

    Blood Veins and Absorbed Yolk???

    I am learning as much as I can about this right now. I was meticulous incubating the first time and had six out of seven eggs hatch into healthy babies, but on day 23 I still saw no movement and no internal pip from the seventh egg. I opened it to find a live baby and didn't know to look for...
  10. Sylver Queen

    Update: did not make it - Thought egg was dead, opened and it's alive, any chance??

    Thank you much, I am anticipating all these lessons with help me invite healthy chicks into this world for years to come. 💕
  11. Sylver Queen

    Humidity and temp question, Nurture Right 360

    I'm sorry for your loss, and thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge! The only area of the internal membrane that had no veins was near the head but when I opened it the chick was barely moving and making to sign of pipping. I didn't realize though that they could make an external...
  12. Sylver Queen

    Update: did not make it - Thought egg was dead, opened and it's alive, any chance??

    Another finding I forgot to mention that may have actually been the real issue. I think the chick bled out which is my bad, but it didn't get into position and likely wasn't going to hatch. I found its umbilicus wrapped tightly around one of its feet, meaning it couldn't move that leg without...
  13. Sylver Queen

    Update: did not make it - Thought egg was dead, opened and it's alive, any chance??

    Thank you! Me too. She was exactly what I hoped she'd be, blue and red like her mama. 💕 I still wish I'd given her another day before opening but with a fully absorbed yolk I'm guessing she wouldn't have gotten into position for hatch.
  14. Sylver Queen

    Humidity and temp question, Nurture Right 360

    I have a confession, possibly humidity related but also egg-shape. There was zero movement or any internal pipping from my seventh egg on Day 23 so I gently opened it and found a living chick. Unfortunately when I ruptured the membrane it bled so it could well be that I did in a late hatcher...
  15. Sylver Queen

    Update: did not make it - Thought egg was dead, opened and it's alive, any chance??

    Air vents were fully open for the entire lockdown. Unfortunately after seeing no movement I decided I needed to just see what happened and the chick had indeed died. I am prepared to face that it was my fault from tearing the membrane because most of the inside was still lined with veining, but...
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