Recent content by Sylviaanne

  1. Sylviaanne

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    Wondering if anyone has any BLRW eggs?
  2. Sylviaanne

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Thank you. It's been awful but on the 7th of next month I can start to walk on it, in my boot, again. I see the Dr a week later and then may have to wear the boot for another 4 weeks.
  3. Sylviaanne

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    None. With my broken ankle, my husband has to go out and care for my birds. He doesn't gather eggs on a daily basis. I think my 2 LSG dogs are eating some of the eggs because I am not getting as many eggs as there should be when my husband does gather them. I'm lucky to get a dozen eggs every 3...
  4. Sylviaanne

    For $40 dollars, would you...

    No Would you clean out someone's nasty refrigerator for $20?
  5. Sylviaanne

    Calling all BYC members!!!

    Don't have any pictures right now but I have some roosters with names. King George a polish/ buff orpington mix, King Henry with a pea comb and his brother with a regular comb is King Edward. I also have Dominick who is a Dominic or barred or something like that. I have one who looks Crele or...
  6. Sylviaanne

    Wife of 41 years, mom to 5, granma to 17, great granma to 3. We got chickens, guineas, ducks...

    Wife of 41 years, mom to 5, granma to 17, great granma to 3. We got chickens, guineas, ducks, geese, turkeys & 2 LSG dogs. And 12 pet dogs.
  7. Sylviaanne

    GAMES FOR EGGS and other fun prizes

    Is this still happening?
  8. Sylviaanne

    What do Light Brahma Chicks look like?

    Hi, just wondering if this baby turned out looking like a Light Brahma?
  9. Sylviaanne

    Comment by 'Sylviaanne' in item 'Brahma'

    Bought 4 light on the 4th, 4 Buff eggs. One egg was a dud but here's fingers crossed that all the others hatch tomorrow! Hubby say I can buy 12 more babies as soon as our supplier has them.
  10. Sylviaanne

    Crete Orpington

    Anyone have any? Anyone in the southwest of Missouri? Around Springfield specifically? LOL I guess I can't spell. I'm looking for Crele Orpingtons.
  11. Sylviaanne

    What breed has the poorest egg production?

    I never had one go broody when I had Silkies. Anyone know what breed in general has the poorest egg production?
  12. Sylviaanne

    Buff Brahma Breeding Project

    Just picked up 4 Buff Brahma eggs. Day 5 in the incubator. Here's hoping they all hatch!
  13. Sylviaanne

    Brahma thread

    My husband has recently fallen in love with the Light Brahmas, does anyone have chick's to sell anywhere near Springfield, Mo? Please pm me and send prices. Thanks. If I posted this in the wrong place, I'm sorry. I have been inactive for over a year. Let me know the proper place to post and I...
  14. Sylviaanne

    Spring 2016 Whatcha Got Swap Chat.

    Is there a newer Whatchagot. Swap forum?
  15. Sylviaanne

    Creative Writing Game!

    Hello just wondering if someone started a new game of this? Thanks.
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