Recent content by Syowell

  1. S

    Why is my hen YELLOW?

    I have one almost the exact same right now. She is very lethargic. I believe she has jaundice as well, from either a toxin or just ill. She has been getting progressively worse. I won't free range any of them right now due to a fox killing one and maiming another, but she may have been exposed...
  2. S

    Chicks outgrowing brooder cage

    Good ideas, thank you for the suggestions! I will use our large dog crate!!
  3. S

    BYC Debate Thread- What's The Friendliest Chicken Breed?

    I agree with the Polish being super friendly! Ours also follow us like dogs. We found our cat laying on his back in the middle of our tophats, relaxed as can be today! The Polish roosters aren't as sweet as the hens though, we have found. I was attacked consistently by one everytime I came...
  4. S

    Broody or ill?

    peck at our hands, makes weird squawking noises
  5. S

    Broody or ill?

    We have a 6 month old hen- part EE, who won't get out of a box in the coop. No idea if she has an egg under her- she won't let us in to see. Is this a typical behavior ypu'd see in a broody or sick hen?
  6. S

    Copper Maran

    One of the white ones has 2 extra toes on each foot on the back of her foot!
  7. S

    Copper Maran

    Thank you!
  8. S

    Copper Maran

  9. S

    Copper Maran

    Thank you for your help! And teaching a newbie!!
  10. S

    Copper Maran

    just layers, so I'm not annoyed about the breed errors. I am annoyed about her giving me roosters, again. The original bunch we bought from her, all Polish, turned out to be 5 males and 1 female!
  11. S

    Copper Maran

    Hey, since you figured out the others, can you tell if this Egger is looking more male or is a hen?
  12. S

    Copper Maran

    huh, the lady who sold them to me doesn't appear to know her chicken breeds, did she?!?
  13. S

    Copper Maran

    Yes, we were told both the white ones were Easter Eggers, but they got the black one's breed wrong...
  14. S

    Copper Maran

    The black one has some pretty metallic green in the feathers but it's hard to capture on the picture
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