Recent content by tamstertwo

  1. T

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I was here for a short time, because a mama duck and her six ducklings waddled into my yard. Took care of them for about 5 weeks the best we could with food and water sources and love. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." At some point it was getting to be a bit much, so my...
  2. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    Thank you :hugs
  3. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    :thumbsupAll other prayers for it are gladly accepted too
  4. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    Oh no, I hope I didn't make you feel bad! I'm upset but only because I feel frustrated and so sorry for the little one. A good friend just had to remind me "he's got the whole world in his hands." :hugs
  5. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    Without the liquid, I don't know what else I can do...I can't force feed it or give it tablets. I made very shallow dishes of separate food and water to make it easier. And I have everyone I know praying, for tonight I have to hope that's enough.
  6. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    thanks, I will have to just increase the Brewers yeast and niacin for now. ....can't get that liquid at any store within 25 miles of me. I don't think the mama would let me even get within a foot of her ducklings anyway. They don't like the taste of either, but I guess if they are hungry enough...
  7. T

    Duckling Not Thriving - HELP!

    they should be exactly 2 weeks today. And the rest are big and strong, with a good appetite.
  8. T

    Duckling Not Thriving - HELP!

    sorry to hear about yours; I'm going through the exact same thing right now. Prayers for the little one.
  9. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    I went back to the OP, thanks. Little one doesn't seem to be eating much but I'll do my best
  10. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    Ok, little confused by it but I'll reread until it clicks. Thanks again for the reply.
  11. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    OK, thanks, but do you have any idea how much and when I should add it to their food? I will give them apprx 14oz Purina flock starter only 3x a day (they eat out of one big serving dish)
  12. T

    New Chick/Duck Moms here!

    Welcome, the people on here are great, you couldn't have picked a better site to join :) Best of luck with your new additions!
  13. T

    What to do with the runt, if vitamin deficient

    Hey everyone, As I mentioned in intro, I have a mama and her 6 ducklings that became squatters in the yard. I'm trying not to interfere, just assisting with food, water and shelter while mama does the rest. Today makes them 2 weeks old. All big and doing great except for one, it's only 2/3 the...
  14. T

    Niacin Deficiency in Waterfowl

    Well, I feed them apprx. 12oz of flock crumble mash for breakfast and dinner, in the AM mixed with cooked oatmeal and at night with cooked organic brown rice and both have mushed peas. So I tried 1tbsp, but even 1tsp in it they wouldn't eat. So now I just add 50mg niacin pulverized in both...
  15. T

    Niacin Deficiency in Waterfowl

    Thanks so much for the info. So far ducklings in my yard seem to be walking well....only one seems to hang-back a bit more than the others, and will spend less time in water and just sit by the edge. They all turn their nose up at the food if I add too much Brewer's Yeast or niacin, so I just...
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