Recent content by tangled_yarn

  1. tangled_yarn

    What type of Maran is this?

    I, too, got some Tractor Supply marans! Mine have more black on them, but they do look like Black Copper Marans to me. Went in to get chicken food for our bantams/silkies, came out with 6 new chicks. I only wanted three (we have a coop of big chickens as well), but apparently it's a state law...
  2. tangled_yarn

    Not A Poll Just Curious

    Mixed! Our original flock, of six pullets, was a mix of Buff Orpingtons, RIRs, and EEs. The next year, I got 12 Ayam Cemani eggs shipped, got 6 to hatch, and kept 3 pullets. That's who we have in our "big girl coop" right now. This year, I ordered a mix of Silkies and Seramas, 11 total...
  3. tangled_yarn

    Show me your cockerels!!!!

    Now he's just about 18 weeks! Still tiny, I need to weigh him, he's my smallest boy, maybe my smallest bird at all. I have a Serama pullet that might be smaller than him, but I'm not sure.
  4. tangled_yarn

    Show me your cockerels!!!!

    Thank you! They are handsome boys, and mostly very friendly too! Sam is a total lap rooster, he gets mad if I don't let him have a nap on me at least once a day.
  5. tangled_yarn

    6 Week Old Cockerel Crowing

    My little serama Sam started peep-crowing at 2 weeks old! And we got 4 other cockerels with this batch, the second one (a bantam Wyandotte) started crowing at around 7-ish weeks. They're all about 17 weeks now, and one of my silkie cockerels has only just started to yell-crow, the other two...
  6. tangled_yarn

    Dude or dudette?

    She's a doll, a real lap chicken! I got a batch of seramas and silkies, but the breeder gave me two of these mixes as free-bees, along with two bantam wyandottes. She doesn't sell them yet because she's working on the lines, but they're great little chickens.
  7. tangled_yarn

    Dude or dudette?

    Thank you! I don't really care either way, but we're building a bachelor coop and I'll have to separate them pretty soon. I don't want to have to re-integrate someone because they ended up in the wrong coop! Raine was acting rooster-y early on, but I started questioning my assumptions last...
  8. tangled_yarn

    Dude or dudette?

    I thought Raine here was a cockerel but now I’m second guessing myself. He’s about 15 weeks old, a Serama mix (not sure with what). I’m questioning because his comb isn’t reddening up yet, though I know it can sometimes take longer.
  9. tangled_yarn

    Earliest one of your cockerels has crowed?

    even if he wasn’t crowing, he was pretty clearly a roo very early on! This is him at about 2.5 weeks:
  10. tangled_yarn

    Earliest one of your cockerels has crowed?

    Our second cockerel from this batch started crowing around 8 weeks, and he sounded like a kazoo! One of the others just started trying to crow at 15 weeks, so far he just sounds like he’s yelling.
  11. tangled_yarn

    Earliest one of your cockerels has crowed?

    What's the earliest you've heard one of your little cockerels crow? I have a little Serama boy, Sam, who started at two weeks! He'd do the little gearing up to crow, then peep in a crowing cadence, like peep-peep-peep-pee-peeeee! Here is a video of him doing a baby crow when he was about 4...
  12. tangled_yarn

    Building a Bachelor Coop, Should I Leave One with the Girls?

    That's true! I wish I didn't have to separate them at all, but we're either at 5 roos and 7 hens, or 6 of each (one of the silkies I'm not sure about yet). Nobody is being aggressive now, but I know it's a matter of time.
  13. tangled_yarn

    Building a Bachelor Coop, Should I Leave One with the Girls?

    Thank you! I'm not planning on chicks any time soon, so I'll probably just go with all the boys in the bachelor pad. I don't really want to have to get rid of one if I couldn't integrate him with the rest of the roosters. If I end up really wanting a roo for the girls I can always get one later.
  14. tangled_yarn

    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    Ease of cleaning is a great feature! Coops can be hard to keep clean unless all areas of the inside are accessible.
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