Recent content by Tankueray

  1. Tankueray

    Rooster to lose both legs: Quality of Life?

    OMG this breaks my heart. I have a rooster that had part of his foot amputated and shortly afterward more died off, and his other leg is immobile. I've been wracking my brain for months to come up with a prosthesis for him with no luck...
  2. Tankueray

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    @FaceplantAT19 Also, that's the standard recipe for an Olive egger (or was, maybe I'm old now). I bought one at the feedstore a few years ago and it grew up to be nearly indistinguishable from my...
  3. Tankueray

    Can someone confirm these eggs are fertilized?

    Yes, unless it's photoshopped, that's actually a really good picture showing the bullseyes.
  4. Tankueray

    When to put permanent leg bands on pullets??

    Ameraucanas are under the "All Other Standard Breeds" Class in the SOP, that's what you enter them under. They were developed in the US back in the 70's though. I believe I put my bands on the second hole for my girls, I don't like those bands much though. After a year, only 3 of 20 still...
  5. Tankueray

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Study means there's not enough data to make a determination. TLC bases their determinations on registrations of domestic flocks in the US and estimated domestic flocks worldwide. Neither Saipan nor Araucana have been historically used as livestock breeds in the US, so therefore they don't have...
  6. Tankueray

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    It's age. Chickens get old too. At some point the biochemical processes responsible for producing pigment slow down or even stop, just like a human or dog going grey. The only thing you can do to help is make sure she's getting a complete feed with adequate plant and animal proteins, amino...
  7. Tankueray

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Well, I guess I get to figure it out and make the first UV resistant chicken then. I did go outside and take a bunch of pictures. I have 4-5 chamois hens with the bushy eyebrows and one silver rooster so far. There are a few hybrids too, and one totally has a mustache. 🤣
  8. Tankueray

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    @nicalandia I have Spitzhaubens - the normal silver, gold, and chamois; two blue gene sublines; and white. But I've got a question I've never found a good answer for regarding the yellowing of the feathers due to the sun (generally most pronounced on rooster feathers). Observations: My...
  9. Tankueray

    The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

    Lol. One of my Spitzhauben lines has this pop up occasionally, it always cracks me up when my one rooster stares down at me. I just can't get mad at him for whatever annoying thing he just did. @3KillerBs I agree with Jacin, my Spitzes handle 120 degree Texas summers better than any heavy...
  10. Tankueray


    This won't remain publicly posted for that long, but this is a great episode on the most common poultry diseases:
  11. Tankueray


    With #3 there's no telling without a test or necropsy, but the others are things that can and do happen with Marek's. Silkies tend to be more susceptible to it too. You'll only know for sure if you test. There's a company in Dallas,, that can do a PCR test for it without culling...
  12. Tankueray

    PT Testers, looking for table ideas.

    I have what I think will work well as a base for the table and most of the hardware. I'm searching for an acceptable table top now (because I don't want to spend a lot of money on one). I've put together my kit except for the plate. It's been put on the back burner for now. Because.... My...
  13. Tankueray

    🚨Wanted: Tips for Raising Hormonal Bad Boys

    @EverythingDucks Glad it worked out for you. Not that this will work all the time, but I've gotten rid of drakes by explaining (in the ad) that people (or their children) in the city that might want ducks as pets want drakes. Just as city folk dislike roosters, female ducks are as loud...
  14. Tankueray

    Premier-1 Poultry Fencing - WARNING

    Again, a permanent fence is much less expensive. AC voltage fence chargers are also much less expensive. You can post that netting to Craigslist or FB and get almost retail for it. Pastured poultry is not a cheap hobby in any way. The best way to repair it is to slip a crimp over it, you...
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